最初由 阿瓜 发布
Xterra, 接砖!
#1,#2: fad说得没错, 猫眯确实非常合作, 200mm端(是小小白吧?), 1/30秒能拍清楚, 不易啦!
#5: 时间恰到好处, 光线最好的时候. 我觉得不怕把dock拍上, 至少有个交代, 反正桅杆已经拍不全了! 索性只留全船和云的倒映.
#6: 表情抓的很好, MM很PL. #10 是有点儿太rosy了! 问问她愿不愿蓖馀哪L囟?
我觉得你portrait拍得不错, 建议直接上50/1.4或85/1.4.
多拍, 多上片! 期待...
最初由 GangW 发布
Xterra, 接砖!
#1,#2 -------- iso 100, AE mode, mirror lock,tripod, (1/20s,1/30s) totally landscape or still life shooting method was applied to pet photography. It is hard to get the good pictures. for me #1, #2 are not sharp.![]()
最初由 Xterra 发布
If my photos (especially #2) are not sharp, then your eyes must be very sharp! ;-) yeah, eyes are always sharper than any lenses. How do I improve the sharpness of my photo in this type of satuation? I know I should have used higher ISO speed. However, as far as I know ISO 100 + tripod + mirror lockup + self timer is the most vibration free setting possible. how'd one increase sharpness in addition to that? I seriously want to know. I am so desperate to get sharp and crisp photos. I just love the way they look.
Please let me know. Thanks very much in advance! BTW, Leica or Zaiss lenses are not option though. I am not that insane yet. :-D
最初由 GangW 发布
Look at the eyes of the cat, the highlight is not sharp as it should be.
I found one of my cat picture, which was taken with my 75-300/4.5-5.6 lens (handheld) which is not sharp as 70-200/4 L, but the reflection image in the eyes of the cat looks sharp by my eyes.
For the lens, xxb is sharp lens, but 1/30s @200mm for the "live" cat is too slow, in this case it should be better if using XB IS.![]()
最初由 阿瓜 发布
PS 高手啊!