

最初由 遐朔 发布

any land entry would do (please do not try the airport).
最初由 遐朔 发布

go to the border, exit the Canadian customs (making sure you have all the immigration documents with you before your exit). Drive or walk to the US customs, tell them you will make an U-turn (if you do not have a US visa) to "land" Canada as an immigrant. The US customs are very used to this situation, and they will issue you a slip denying your entry to the US. With this piece of slip in hand (of course you can put it in your pocket, if you like), U-turn to the Canadian customs and show your Canadian documents and the slip you got from the US customs. They will process your paper work and you will be officially "landed". The point of getting the slip is to show on the paper that you are coming from OUTSIDE Canada. Please do not make a U-turn before you get that slip.
Re: Re: 再次请教移民登陆

Re: Re: Re: 再次请教移民登陆

最初由 遐朔 发布

no, do not even need a visa. But remember to get the slip -- this is important.
Re: Re: 再次请教移民登陆

最初由 anti-virus 发布

go to the border, exit the Canadian customs (making sure you have all the immigration documents with you before your exit). Drive or walk to the US customs, tell them you will make an U-turn (if you do not have a US visa) to "land" Canada as an immigrant. The US customs are very used to this situation, and they will issue you a slip denying your entry to the US. With this piece of slip in hand (of course you can put it in your pocket, if you like), U-turn to the Canadian customs and show your Canadian documents and the slip you got from the US customs. They will process your paper work and you will be officially "landed". The point of getting the slip is to show on the paper that you are coming from OUTSIDE Canada. Please do not make a U-turn before you get that slip.

"...exit the Canadian customs..." Note: there is no such a thing at the border. You'll only see the US one when you across the border. You will have to go through the Canadian Customs and Immigration when you make a U-turn and come back to Canada with that US customs' slip(to be landed).
最初由 遐朔 发布

You MUST 过美国海关 as it is indicated above.
最初由 may8806 发布
hi, what is the slip?

The US customs will give it to you. The slip shows that you attempted to enter the US but was refused entry.
记着带存款证明(如果你是技术移民的话). 我一朋友就没带, 差点不让办手续, 后来他拿出在银行机器上取款是的收据, 那上边有Balance, 移民官就认了. (其实也是命好, 机器发的收据是没有个人的名字的, 严格说是不行的, 赶上好心的移民官了.)