自己装修的 basement & 整理的garden(pictures)

very professional, did you finish the basement yourself?
谢谢各位的赞赏.basement除了布电,TV room和play room的间隔找了个老外帮忙外,其余的都是自己做的,例如铺地板胶,放insulation,上drywall,钉paneling等.我们选择用paneling取代线灰&油漆,因为电视机早已放到basement去了,不想做太大的挪动,而且担心灰尘掉进电视机里,价钱跟油油漆差不多,稍微贵些吧,lots of cutting.
最初由 yydd 发布

Looks a professional work!

Did you finish the ceiling of your basement? How to do it?

谢谢!我们没有finished ceiling,只是加了些insulation和封了一些透明薄膜,本想买些类似drywall的板钉上去的,后来一拖,就再也提不起劲去完成了.
Why not consider drop ceiling? Easier to install.
最初由 ^-^ Cuteboy :-) 发布


I have the same problme...if I put off something, it seems like I will put it off forever:blowzy:

Chairman Mao taught us -- Yi Jiang Sheng Yong Zhui Qiong Kou ...:)

I have a co-worker, a real handyman, not only because he is crafted, he also has patience...he has a 50 yr old house and it takes him two yrs so far to do his projects...renovating bed rooms, adding-in new wash room, finishing basement so on so forth...he is still working on his house every weekends :)
最初由 ^-^ Cuteboy :-) 发布

Paneling is really a good idea...don't know where we can find bamboo pannels (I know there are bamboo floors, guess there should have bamboo pannels as well)...it would look unique...besides, using sound insulation for ge yin may be better than hanging carpet on the pannel...carpet looks too "hot" leh :D
最初由 小傻 发布

Paneling is really a good idea...don't know where we can find bamboo pannels (I know there are bamboo floors, guess there should have bamboo pannels as well)...it would look unique...besides, using sound insulation for ge yin may be better than hanging carpet on the pannel...carpet looks too "hot" leh :D

我门已用sound insulation before put the drywalls on.在隔着TV room 和playroom 的drywall上钉的地毯,是可以使声音阻挡返回到TV room.

最初由 ^-^ Cuteboy :-) 发布
谢谢各位的赞赏.basement除了布电,TV room和play room的间隔找了个老外帮忙外,其余的都是自己做的,例如铺地板胶,放insulation,上drywall,钉paneling等.我们选择用paneling取代线灰&油漆,因为电视机早已放到basement去了,不想做太大的挪动,而且担心灰尘掉进电视机里,价钱跟油油漆差不多,稍微贵些吧,lots of cutting.
能说说大概花了多少钱? 工具和材料.

你自己的人工就不要算了 :D
最初由 cgi 发布
能说说大概花了多少钱? 工具和材料.

你自己的人工就不要算了 :D
