精华 [分享] 购物指南

我用SONY DSC75, 也就当傻瓜机用用,不能代替SLR.
最初由 Sally 发布
我刚搬到OTTAWA不久,请问 COSTCO在那儿?

ADD: 1849 merivale road

You should apply the membership card first in the store. The annual fee is around $50.
我现在就用DSC-P9,在futrue shop 买的,不错,非常清晰,可惜没有sony 的 carry case.一定要在网上预订。
建议改为 一周购物指南 除了家俱电器及生活用品外更多交流日常食品果蔬
最初由 chdz 发布
建议改为 一周购物指南 除了家俱电器及生活用品外更多交流日常食品果蔬

现在整版都是购物指南呀! :)
最初由 小贱贱 发布
我用SONY DSC75, 也就当傻瓜机用用,不能代替SLR.

Re: Re: [分享] 购物指南

最初由 redmoon 发布

FROM: Rock2008sz 洗衣粉: COSTCO

FROM: Rock2008sz 纸巾,我在COSCO看到,32卷---14元。
而在WALMART 32卷----8到9元
FROM: Jane 质量不同,还有就是每卷的张数不同,注意看COSTCO价格上面表的单价。如果你讲究质量,COSTCO的有一种自己的牌子的是比WALMART便宜的,否则觉得WALMART4.99一袋的自己牌子的那个合算。

FROM: 小胖 脚踏垃圾桶,多用的梯子: COSTCO

FROM: sage COSTCO的好东西无数...各种纸巾(TOILET PAPER, PAPER TOWEL, NAPKINS), 洗衣粉, 洗碗机粉, 浴缸清洁剂, 空气清洁剂, 垃圾袋, 洗发液, 护发素, 牙膏, 香皂

FROM: Undead DURCELL电池28个$19.99: COSTCO

Toys, Hand bags, Wallets, Slippers: Smart Value, Lincoln Fields Shopping Mall


I will go to Ottwa in the coming Jan. 8 as a new imigrate, who can help me to find a room to stay temperally(1-2 week). of course, I just try to rent the room, and then I will try to find a hourse to rent later for a long term accomendation.

contant me by email: yangyigen@yahoo.com
USB Cable

Here is a place where you can buy a lot of computer attachments like USB cable, case, power, serial cable, etc.

The standard USB cable is sold for only $5.

Computer Recyclers Inc
163 MacFarlane Road
Nepean, Ontario
K2E 6V4
Tel: 613-723-3135

It is near to the Costco at Merivale road. It is at south east of intersection of Merivale and Huntclub.