
最初由 ESCAPE 发布

报告BZ, 俺de女红技术不过硬, either. But 俺 have 做ed 两个沙包with cartoon. 两个沙包 will go to SanDa with walkie talkie, 哨子,防晒驱蚊及晒后修复等东东.
:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:
最初由 快乐的天蝎 发布

报告BZ, 俺de女红技术不过硬, either. But 俺 have 做ed 两个沙包with cartoon. 两个沙包 will go to SanDa with walkie talkie, 哨子,防晒驱蚊及晒后修复等东东.
:blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy:

My 沙包s are pink.
最初由 ESCAPE 发布
Foley mountain离Perth也不远,据Iwas说这个地方不错。不打高尔夫的TZ们可以去逛逛.
Iwas say say ba.

Copy from http://www.rideauvalley.on.ca/cas/foleymnt/about.htm

About Foley Mountain

Enjoy the panoramic view from Spy Rock look-out high above Westport by way of a new easy access ramp

Walk, hike and snowshoe ― the mountain offers five trails including the 8 kilometer Rideau Trail

Meander through the popular self-guided Beaver Pond nature trail using the booklet provided.

Cross country ski ―when conditions permit, we have two groomed cross-country ski trails

Meander through the popular self-guided Beaver Pond nature trail using the booklet provided.

Visit our Interpretation Centre displays, open Sundays and holiday Mondays in July and August, 10:00am to 4:00pm

Rent our beautiful cedar log chalet for your group event

Be one of approximately 5000 students, girl guides, cubs or scouts to learn about our surroundings in our group campground and education programs.

Take time out for lunch in any one of the numerous picnic and barbecue areas in the wooded clearings or on the beach

Wildflower trails, developed by the Rideau Valley Field Naturalists and the Friends of Foley Mountain, showcasing over 100 wildflower species in the park

Our courteous Visitor Services Staff will help you enjoy all the special features of Foley Mountain Conservation Area. Foley Mountain Sand Beach.

Swim or play on 1000 meters of Upper Rideau Lake waterfront with a sheltered sandy beach, complete with washrooms and change houses.

70 to 100 White-tailed deer winter in the conservation area - a great place to see them in their natural habitat.

Also to be seen are black and red squirrels, snowshoe hares and cottontail rabbits, porcupines, chipmunks and occasionally fisher, pine martens, bobcats, weasels

There are 38 species of trees, including lofty pines and impressive white oaks.

Bird watchers are challenged when sights are set on more than

About Westport
(Copy from http://www.westportrideaulakes.on.ca/westport.cfm)

Nestled on the banks of the Upper Rideau Lake at the foot of Foley Mountain, Westport is the largest village in the Rideau Lakes area. Open all year Foley Mountain Conservation Area features 308 hectares of scenic lookouts, nature trails, mature pine forest, beaver ponds and shoreline on Upper Rideau Lake where you can hike, swim, and picnic in summer or cross country ski and snow shoe in winter. The view of Westport from Spy Rock is truly spectacular.

With several wonderful B&Bs, cottage rentals, a motel and a country inn, you are sure to find the perfect accommodation to suit your needs whether for a day, a week or a month. Excellent shopping with unique shops offer everything from gifts and one of a kind fashions to antiques and original art. There is also a choice of restaurants, a piano bar, a road house and a British style pub in which to dine or relax.

The Rideau District Museum, 29 Bedford Street, provides a look at the history of the area. Copies of a self guided walking tour brochure can be obtained from the museum and the Visitor Welcome Centre, 1 Spring Street. The tour gives a glimpse into the history of the town and takes you to many of the historic buildings still commonplace in the village.

You can walk on a beach, swim in a lake or just enjoy an ice cream while watching the world go by. There are so many activities it will be hard to decide which to do first.

Within 45 minutes drive of Westport there are over 30 golf courses, two of which are located just outside the village. Both are open to the public and boast beautiful fairway views of lakes.

Westport and area is a core for hiking and cycling enthusiasts. The 300 km Rideau Trail linking Kingston and Ottawa passes through Foley Mountain Conservation Area where other trails can also be explored. There are also many other Parks and Conservation Areas within easy driving distance that offer many hiking opportunities. Cycling is not allowed in most of the parks but the backroads and the new Cataraqui Trail offer cyclists the perfect opportunity to enjoy the country side.

From May until mid-October boaters can take advantage of Westport's Municipal Dock located on Upper Rideau Lake, part of the Rideau Canal system which links Kingston and Ottawa. The village is easily accessible via a footbridge. Also within easy driving of Westport are dozens of lakes, which range in size from small to large, and which are suitable for all water related activities including canoeing and small craft boating. You can fish summer and winter for bass, pike, walleye and lake trout (depending on the fishing season). Boat and canoe rentals are available.

Picture: link from


That's not my fault if you are disappointed what you see.

Let me remind you: 路边的野花不要摘。

最初由 *香梦沉酣* 发布


oh, forgot that aug 1st is civic holiday

1) 两天活动多,人员活动分散,通讯是关键.
2) 有没有非运动类型活动? (比如闲聊,下棋,打牌等,我有四国大战棋,有感兴趣的吗?要有5个人才能玩起来)
3) 分头活动多,人员活动太分散的话,组织者会很辛苦

组员:Maplecanada, Isabel(2),渥京大卫(2), 快乐的天蝎(2+1),小马哥(2+1),逆水行舟(2);Escape(2+2),书生;GG&GMM,香梦沉酣,YiMM, Harry;

组员:老冒66,曾经也黄过,胖蹄,firefly,雨中花(2),Sourcil(2+1), Jingle(2+1),我亦有亭,Wuwei,Allan,viki,Beleriand,;

8:15am~8:30am, 集合,集合地点:417 Exit 138(March Road)的 Park and ride(靠东边的那个)
9:30am~2:30 Perth:热身活动
A:高尔夫运动, 组织者:老冒,Sleeplessottawa(好长的名字,打得手酸)

2:30pm~ 4:00pm, 安营扎寨, 组织者:Escape

4:30pm~ 6:00pm, Perth 中央公园, 家庭趣味运动会, 组织者:我亦有亭

6:00pm~ 8:00pm, Perth 中央公园, BBQ 组织者:队长 (注:本餐由A组同志请B组同志)
8:00pm~ 10:30pm, Perth 中央公园 休闲主题 Party, 组织者:我亦有亭
10:30pm~12:00 am 分散行动,小镇泡吧

12:00am~ 9:00am (数星星,看月亮,讲鬼故事,不许钻错帐篷!)

9:00am 起床,早餐(各组自行解决),收拾行装;
10:30~2:30 Rideau Lake 统一营地,分散行动: 划船,游泳,晒太阳,沙滩排球,fishing, 组织者:Escape,曾经也黄过,;
2:30~4:00: 营地午餐 组织者:仙子(注:由B组回请A组)

1 carpool
2 饮食安排
3 帐篷睡袋安排与落实
4 晚上的party会带有竞争性,所以希望提前准备一些节目,包括本组的亮相,组名,口号……


我粗略统计了一下,camping 的人员如下:
男子:队长,曾经也黄过, 还很远,Beleriand
家庭:天蝎(2+1) 帮主(2+2)GG&GMM Sourcil(2+1) 雨中花2
其中Maple 和美眉以及Beleriand还没有最后定下来,所以按20个人去谈应该问题不大

Viki 老冒2 ,有备无患的话,25人为佳;

逆水2 Isabel2 PT Viki 老冒2 ,渥京大卫,Henry3+1(小马哥推荐,请他速来报名)

刚才得帮主令,camping人数不算多,所以早餐她负责统一安排,我准备一些卤鸡蛋补充:D 帮主真是YDFR 啊:cool:

另外,谢谢大卫的建议,明天或者后天,你方便的话我去拿walkie talkie.
