A ate-star 知名会员 注册 2004-03-26 消息 552 荣誉分数 76 声望点数 188 2005-07-20 #1 Is it possible for water bill $80 a month?? Thanks for sharing.
A ate-star 知名会员 注册 2004-03-26 消息 552 荣誉分数 76 声望点数 188 2005-07-20 #4 I got water bill today for the period from Jun. 16 to Jul. 14, 28 days for $80 at actual reading. It is crazy, either me or the city.
I got water bill today for the period from Jun. 16 to Jul. 14, 28 days for $80 at actual reading. It is crazy, either me or the city.
A ashvalley 知名会员 注册 2004-08-25 消息 2,436 荣誉分数 175 声望点数 173 2005-07-21 #5 city of ottawa sucks, estimate my water bill for $500,i paid $300 and charge me $5 for the interest and $5 for sent me a letter to remain me to pay the rest,it was 2 months ago,after 2 month the bill was negtive $70.the billing system really sucks.
city of ottawa sucks, estimate my water bill for $500,i paid $300 and charge me $5 for the interest and $5 for sent me a letter to remain me to pay the rest,it was 2 months ago,after 2 month the bill was negtive $70.the billing system really sucks.
基础墙 Moderator VIP 注册 2005-05-23 消息 1,247 荣誉分数 135 声望点数 193 2005-07-21 #6 最初由 ate-star 发布 Is it possible for water bill $80 a month?? Thanks for sharing. 点击展开... 自己读一下水表,看看是否与账单上面的读数一致。再看看从上一次actural reading到现在的收费是否都对。 有的账单会比平时高很多或低很多,多数是因为estimate不准。
最初由 ate-star 发布 Is it possible for water bill $80 a month?? Thanks for sharing. 点击展开... 自己读一下水表,看看是否与账单上面的读数一致。再看看从上一次actural reading到现在的收费是否都对。 有的账单会比平时高很多或低很多,多数是因为estimate不准。
BobtheBuilder 知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-11-03 消息 940 荣誉分数 86 声望点数 138 2005-07-22 #7 Re: Re: Water bill 最初由 基础墙 发布 自己读一下水表,看看是否与账单上面的读数一致。再看看从上一次actural reading到现在的收费是否都对。 有的账单会比平时高很多或低很多,多数是因为estimate不准。 点击展开... You can also sumbit your actual reading online if you don't agree with city's reading. http://www.ottawa.ca/city_services/water/water_billing/bill_faq_en.shtml#10
Re: Re: Water bill 最初由 基础墙 发布 自己读一下水表,看看是否与账单上面的读数一致。再看看从上一次actural reading到现在的收费是否都对。 有的账单会比平时高很多或低很多,多数是因为estimate不准。 点击展开... You can also sumbit your actual reading online if you don't agree with city's reading. http://www.ottawa.ca/city_services/water/water_billing/bill_faq_en.shtml#10