mini dv camcorder

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最初由 雨中花 发布

:cool: :cool: 特别是黑色的SLR,看起来更专业(典故。。。)!:D :p

I'm listening. :evil:
Looks like two most important features that GS 250 has

1. 3 CCDs (color compensation), but will consume more battery power, I guess...
2. Optical stablizer (movement compensation, implemented mechanically actually)

These two features used to be only in the professional models, Panosonic downgrades them to
home use one...

Will other companies follow this trend? and Why no people talking about lense -- certainly the most important factor in camera, not important enough in camcorder...?

Panosonic doesnot have its own lense, using Leica's; Sony uses Zeiss lense; Canon uses its own...
are there any differences?
Above are my questions.. SleeplessOttawa, what would you say?

The following is copied from Internet for PT
Panasonic Adds Optical Stabilizer To Under-$1,000 Camcorder

By Cliff Roth Courtesy of Video/Imaging DesignLine

NEW YORK ― Panasonic again upped the value for pro-quality video imaging in under-$1,000 digital camcorder models by incorporating optical -- not digital -- image stabilization into the new PV-GS250, introduced at CES 2005 earlier this month.
A year ago, Panasonic drew attention and praise in the camcorder world by introducing the lowest-priced three-chip camcorders ever, the PV-GS120, at $699.95, and the PV-GS200, at $999.95.

"They are doing very well, however, we can not provide sales figures," said Rudy Vitti, national marketing manager of the Panasonic Optical Group, when asked about these low-priced three-chip models.

All professional video camcorders use three-chip (3CCD) designs, because of superior picture quality, while most consumer models use a single image sensor. Similarly, optical stabilizers are generally considered superior to electronic versions, but most consumer camcorders use the less expensive electronic method.

Panasonic has incorporated electronic image stabilizers for years in most of their consumer camcorders, though Vitti said optical stabilizers have previously appeared in a few high-end models in the $1,500 price range. "This is the first time it is being offered under $1000," he said.

"Optical stabilization is the most effective way to compensate for unintentional hand shake with minimal loss of resolution," Vitti said. "We are one of the few companies with this expertise and have been able to implement it with a cost that will enable more consumers to benefit."

Other camcorder makers offering optical stabilizers include Sony and Canon, but this feature is generally reserved for high-end models. Even Panasonic's top-of-the-line 3CCD model from 2004, the $1,499.95-priced PV-GS400, uses an electronic stabilizer.

Optical stabilization uses mechanical motion compensation to physically move the lens, and hence the image that falls on the image sensor, in the opposite direction from the camera shake. It is widely considered the superior, though more expensive, method of battling camera shake.

Electronic image stabilizers (EIS), also known as digital image stabilizers (DIS, or D-EIS), take advantage of image sensors with more pixels than the video image requires. The video image is like a "window" that moves around within the larger frame of the image sensor -- when camera shake moves the image up, EIS moves this "video window" down to compensate.

One might think, with image sensors offering ever more pixels at lower prices, EIS would keep getting better, and optical stabilizers would be on the way out.

Panasonic's PV-GS250 proves otherwise, and suggests that regardless of how many pixels the image sensors have, optical stabilizing techniques may remain superior. The $999.95 list priced PV-GS250, available this March, features 3-mega pixel digital still capability, and also sports another semi-pro "must have" feature -- a manual focus ring.

Will optical stabilizers trickle down to even less expensive camcorder models next year? "As our expertise increases, we are usually able to find more economical ways of doing things, however we can't speculate at this time as to when it will reach other price points," Vitti said.
最初由 雨中花 发布

:cool: :cool: 特别是黑色的SLR,看起来更专业(典故。。。)!:D :p

今年春天整理衣橱,有很多衣服鞋子,知道不会穿了,却因为那份能数落得出获得它们那一天的天气心情和价钱的亲切,割舍不下。猛然间想到,如果能把它们的模样感觉拍摄下来,念及便有了寄托。书到用时方恨少、像及拍出始知残啊。现在的新爱好:摄影入门。Canon 350D、20D?上课、拜师?有没有高手指点一二呢?写到这里,发现这个应当贴到色影馆去。

最初由 sourcil 发布

今年春天整理衣橱,有很多衣服鞋子,知道不会穿了,却因为那份能数落得出获得它们那一天的天气心情和价钱的亲切,割舍不下。猛然间想到,如果能把它们的模样感觉拍摄下来,念及便有了寄托。书到用时方恨少、像及拍出始知残啊。现在的新爱好:摄影入门。Canon 350D、20D?上课、拜师?有没有高手指点一二呢?写到这里,发现这个应当贴到色影馆去。


哇, 一摄影狂热分子已经诞生. :) 你挑个日子来看吧.
最初由 SleeplessOttawa 发布

哇, 一摄影狂热分子已经诞生. :) 你挑个日子来看吧.
最初由 小傻 发布
Looks like two most important features that GS 250 has

1. 3 CCDs (color compensation), but will consume more battery power, I guess...
2. Optical stablizer (movement compensation, implemented mechanically actually)

These two features used to be only in the professional models, Panosonic downgrades them to
home use one...

Will other companies follow this trend? and Why no people talking about lense -- certainly the most important factor in camera, not important enough in camcorder...?

Panosonic doesnot have its own lense, using Leica's; Sony uses Zeiss lense; Canon uses its own...
are there any differences?
Above are my questions.. SleeplessOttawa, what would you say?

The following is copied from Internet for PT
:blowzy: 现在才看到,等下再细读
最初由 小傻 发布

Will other companies follow this trend? and Why no people talking about lense -- certainly the most important factor in camera, not important enough in camcorder...?

Panosonic doesnot have its own lense, using Leica's; Sony uses Zeiss lense; Canon uses its own...
are there any differences?
Above are my questions.. SleeplessOttawa, what would you say?

Those lens are all quite good. The resolution and noise level of the sensor of a DV is much worse than a digital camera. The Lens is not the weakest link yet. I guess that is why people don't talk about lens that much. By the way, the still picture from a good DV is a lot worse than a digital camera.
最初由 小傻 发布

G6 is much better:crying:

250 is CND 1300 + tax here, in AD's place, 700 some USD without tax, AD, help me buy one bah:lookaroun


最初由 AfterDie 发布


AD YDFR :cool:
最初由 AfterDie 发布



谢谢阿呆:D 我把 nicest guy in universe 得 title 让给你吧 :D

我选了个model,bestbuy 就有,价钱比网上的贵点比这头省不少,你帮我去那抓一个就中:) 另外我打算买个warranty,不知道那头买的这头bestbuy能用吗?:blink: