Other takes during my "live music" photo journey


Being my first street series, there has been a lots to learn. besides photo taking technics, I found what I have really learnt was to communicate with strangers on the street. (I have talked to nearly everyone whom I have photographied in this series, before or after) As a shy person in general, there was quite a bit things I had to overcome. It was unbelievable to me that how much I have enjoyed that morning. I would have thought I could never do it, before I tried. After a nervous start, I forced myself to relax along the way. Slowly, as my pace got slower and slower, I knew I was in business. :)

besides those few live music entry photos I have posted previously. I have some other takes too. I thought I should share them here, just to draw some comments and critiques.

Please leave a comment or critiques, would ya?

Thanks in advance!
#1 untitled... (she was one of persons I did not chat with. I just did not want to disturb her....)
#2 Looking... (one of my favorite take)
#3 life and music

(one of my outtakes of live music photos. photo wise, this is a better one than my keeper, however, there is no eye contact in this photo, the heart communication between viewers and photo broke.)
#4 a homeless man's joy (does it look like a Leica photo?)

He is from Nork York, just arrived Ottawa the same morning. in his hand, it was a beverage made by his own recipe. :) did I try? Am I crazy?!
#5 Dady, over there!

photograph children is one of new interests. :)
#6 beauty in red

a little Jamaican girl.
#7 untitled

This happens to be one my of three favorites in this series.
最初由 Xterra 发布
Being my first street series, there has been a lots to learn. besides photo taking technics, I found what I have really learnt was to communicate with strangers on the street. (I have talked to nearly everyone whom I have photographied in this series, before or after) As a shy person in general, there was quite a bit things I had to overcome. It was unbelievable to me that how much I have enjoyed that morning. I would have thought I could never do it, before I tried. After a nervous start, I forced myself to relax along the way. Slowly, as my pace got slower and slower, I knew I was in business. :)

besides those few live music entry photos I have posted previously. I have some other takes too. I thought I should share them here, just to draw some comments and critiques.

Please leave a comment or critiques, would ya?

Thanks in advance!

Good for you. I see your mind start opening.

Like #1, and #2.

Most of your pictures here are portrait photograph, I'd say.
#8 Shade

If I had to choose one and delete the rest, this would be the keeper! As I stepped out "the bay" shopping mall, I saw this girl, right before me. I knew this was it. I had to take this. The shutter noise woke her up. she waved both her hands asking me to stop. I did not have a second chance. There was no hope I found anywhere in her eyes, only despair. Instantly, I was really sorry about this girl. She looked so depressed and helpless. I walked to her, and attemptd to talk to her a bit. She was a very quiet girl. her sound just made me even sadder. I did not know if she was on drug or really as what she's indecated. I left all my cash to her. There wasn't much. I wish I could have helped her more. I then walked away.

I became increasingly depressed as I was post processing this photo. I knew what I was after before I took this. It is the "depression and helpless" that I was after. I had to make it exactly the way it was in my mind. I used an unusual color tone to increase this atmosphere. I hated this, I have never photographed any sad thing or alike. This is the first one. I'll have to get over it, I guess.

..... Photo wise, I love this photo....
#8 excellent capture of the sadness and depression :cool: You get my vote on this one.
Re: Re: Other takes during my "live music" photo journey

最初由 阿瓜 发布

Good for you. I see your mind start opening.

Like #1, and #2.

Most of your pictures here are portrait photograph, I'd say.

yeah, I was pondering that too. However, there was no one posed for me. every one of them were taken without the target knowing though. I just wonder what exactly street photography mean? Anyhow, I don't care it much. I take photos the way I like. I am too liberal to follow rules, frames. :)
about Candid photography

Here is what I got from dictionary

can・did P Pronunciation Key (k n d d)
1. Free from prejudice; impartial.
2. Characterized by openness and sincerity of expression; unreservedly straightforward: In private, I gave them my candid opinion. See Synonyms at frank1.
3. Not posed or rehearsed: a candid snapshot.
An unposed informal photograph.

[Latin candidus, glowing, white, pure, guileless, from cand re, to shine. See kand- in Indo-European Roots.]

adj 1: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion; "blunt talking and straight shooting"; "a blunt New England farmer"; "I gave them my candid opinion"; "forthright criticism"; "a forthright approach to the problem"; "tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"; "it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"; "plainspoken and to the point"; "a point-blank accusation" [syn: blunt, forthright, frank, free-spoken, outspoken, plainspoken, point-blank, straight-from-the-shoulder] 2: informal or natural; especially caught off guard or unprepared; "a candid photograph"; "a candid interview" 3: openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness; "his candid eyes"; "an open and trusting nature"; "a heart-to-heart talk" [syn: open, heart-to-heart] 4: starkly realistic; "I have never lacked candid critics in my own ranks"-Clement Atlee

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

So, as long as the people did not know they are photographied and did not pose for it. It should be candid photo. looks like I was not off the track. :)
最初由 我从山东来 发布

you have got that right!! I think I may have some talent on this one here. :D