Re: Re: Re: Re: Other takes during my "live music" photo journey
最初由 阿瓜 发布
" 想想我这人做事动机挺不良的,因为喜欢nike鞋打起了篮球;因为爱情练起了健身;为了浪漫选择了巴黎说起了法语。。。。。摄影吗,因为脑袋一热买了10d。虽然总是在做一些先上车后买票的唐突事情,但是好在都没有糟践感情和物质上的投资,一件件的也都做下去了。
一款纵横了十多年的经典老机器,nikon f3。有缘分一样的来到了我的手中。和10d相比。在f3前,我瞬间变的不会摄影了,全手动,落后的功能。让我懊恼。记得头几卷,暴光,对焦都是问题,甚至拍摄过程中,经常忘了手动过卷。那个狼狈样子就别提了。
巴黎也许更适合黑白胶片。起码我是这样认为的,百年前,百年后,这里的街道依然。那种神秘看不透的氛围,更需要黑白摄影那剥离了纷乱妖娆,只有完美灰度的影调来表达。我很自然的又迷恋上了kodak tri-x400 和ilford delta100的感觉。这两种黑白胶片给了我更大的创作空间和灵感。
去年刚看到此贴时, 不是很理解; 现在, 则有较多的共鸣, 虽不能完全苟同...
Thanks Agua for sharing this post. The author was very kind to share his own experience. It is good to see what and how other photographer's doing. I think it is ver good for him to switch to film for what he likes to do.
However, I will not be influenced, since I have a different opinion. I simply do not like "street photos" (that you and star has been doing). To me, this type of photos are boring. Luck of point of interest and punch. I have done some research on "Street photography", and I found it was not an art. (now, I understand why star insists photography was not an art.) It is mostly an number game, which you get one good shot out of one role of film. Even at this rate, you can consider yourself a successful street photographer. That was also why this type of photographers tend to have hundreds of film undeveloped. pressing shutter is way easier than develop them.

It is a number game. I don't like that. most time, I imagine a photo before I press the shutter. It is my way of doing things. I have to know what I am doing. "street photos" does not fit in my personality. I like photos that has a main object. an object that catches people's eyes, at their first glance. simple and straight forward. It has to be punchy, or it will be deleted. In short, visual impact is what I was after. "Street photo" mostly lacks of it. Hardly a street photo (unless a really good one) catches my eyes. Also, photos with 35, 50mm tends to lose details and texture, which is another thing I hate.
I am not saying you guys are wrong by choosing this type of application. or your photos aren't great. Don't get me wrong. I was just saying "street photos" as a whole I disliked. However, I may take something that can be put into this category, since I don't limit myself.
By the way, since you have been pretty good to me, aka digging and posting those replies.

I thought I should just throw in my advice for you to consider. Take or drop. "Be creative, never follow."