family room or bed room?

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最初由 小宝妈 发布
我周围的朋友都觉得把fire place移到basement是最好的solution。这样子在冬天basement就没有那么冷了。。倒是从来没有觉得有cheap的感觉,各花入各眼吧。。

我觉得那个地方叫loft比较合适,如果加上french door,可以做一个书房,也不觉得一面封死的门给人感觉不好。。将来如果要住人,在里面装个纱门帘就可以了。。

Wow. Smart idea. To me, this is the best idea so far because personally I wouldn't like to spend a lot of time with my family in the basement. :-)
觉得如果是townhouse,整块可以利用的空间不会很多,大部分都是麻雀虽小五脏俱全的类型。。个人觉得不必拘泥于builder给起的名字,只要对自己家实用就好。。我们家1楼的living room里面就放了电视,加了cable,就是为了起到
一点family room的作用,虽然楼下的finished basement德official name是family room. 如果有小孩的话,楼下的basement应该是最大的空间可以供小孩玩耍,我更倾向于叫game room乐。。如果这样把壁炉挪到楼下还是值得的,因为房子盖好后再装壁炉的费用就很高了,至少要4000吧? 我们builder说加个壁炉要花4000的。。 另外是gas的管道比较贵而且难改,很少有人愿意做。。 我以前的manager把自己的地下室做成了entertainment room,他们家是个小single,我们买房子的时候他说他给我的唯一建议就是把壁炉挪下去,因为冬天没有壁炉实在很冷,他的地下室还作了个书房,不得不买电暖气才能呆住。。楼上有个单独的书房应该是件不错的事情,如果现在可以选择还可以弄成地板的,还可以放一些gym器械。。当然是一家之言,主要看自己的喜好了。。
So If I turn the family room on the second floor into an office, does it matter if we add a closet to that room? I worry if I do so, it might become neither office nor bedroom.
最初由 NSH 发布
So If I turn the family room on the second floor into an office, does it matter if we add a closet to that room? I worry if I do so, it might become neither office nor bedroom.


看过一些model home的loft有built-in的书架,如果你想做office的话,将来也可以装上布帘做小型的closet,但这样子就没有挂衣服的地方了,好处是如果作为书房,布置起来比较方便。。如果不想用这个做closet,将来也可以作为博古架,放些小工艺品书啊什么的,就算作为bedroom也不难看,还别有风味呢。。



如果我选就选第一种,呵呵,没什么原因,就是觉得喜欢这样子,买个合适的书架也挺难的。如果挂衣服再买个柜子也可以了。。 当然了,还要考虑cost,看看哪种最划算了。。另外,claridge的sales都是这样,刚开始跟你谈好多upgrade,free的,等你下决心买了之后就借口head office不同意开始涨价,虽然也许你keep不了所有的free upgrade,能够找到一个best deal是最好的,也不要轻易妥协哦。。 这些都是我自己的想法,没有看过你的model,不知道适合不适合。。买房子主要是自己喜欢,别人的意见作为参考就罢了,所谓抛砖引玉,祝你能够找到自己满意的solution。。
谢谢!!! 请问小宝妈可有图片或是链接可以展示一下你所说的几种书房壁橱的设计?
最初由 NSH 发布
谢谢!!! 请问小宝妈可有图片或是链接可以展示一下你所说的几种书房壁橱的设计?

对不起,还真没注意过。。不过我觉得总的原则是不妨碍整个屋子的视线,closet应该占一角或者一面。。位置能够适合别的家具的摆放。。。我说的by-fold closet是指门的类型,其实closet应该都是一样的,builder应该有样板的。。只要不是sliding的,都比较好看,感觉跟walk-in的closet的门差不多。。这种大概是花钱最少的。。如果想做built-in的shelf,builder大概会多charge一些。。也看是需要跟墙一样的颜色还是木头色的。。这个其实会变的。。我现在喜欢cherry的,但是不保证以后会不会变:p




最初由 不用翅膀飞 发布





It is hard to find a place close to downtown that has new houses to sell at this time. What about Barrhaven area? Is it a good place to live? I think it is a little far cause my husband works in downtown. Could you tell me how long it usually takes from Barrhaven to downtown by bus?
I work downtown too. I give you the travel time of my co-workers.
1) from Montréal road and aviation parkway (Claridge new townhome). 20mins by bicycle (7km) but 50 min by bus.
2)From barrhaven by express bus 60 minutes
3)From kanata by express bus 50 min in summer. May be 60-70 in winter.

Octranspo has a travel planner. You can check it to see how long it takes to downtown. Sometime live close to downtown does not mean go downtown quicker by bus.
Are you kidding me?
I live in the first place and work in downton. 30 mins is the maximum.General 20 mins.
That is what he told me. It likes a joke in the office. We have two co-workers bought townhome there try to be closer to work, they found it is not the case in winter if they take bus. My point is you have to check with OC transpo to see how much time it really takes.