first thanks for sharing with us bcoz i'm about to buy aTartan.
below are some ideas to share with u too, hopefully this will ease some of your grievance:
最初由 a_little 发布
我以我血和泪的教训, 建议大家千万对"TARTAN" 的房子三思而行. 我已经被这个BUILDER弄得精疲力尽. 让我们来看看几个事实吧.
(1) 泡沫塑料做的房子
如果你去TARTAN 的建筑工地看一看, 所有TARTAN 的房子,除车库外,全是用粉红色泡沫塑料做外墙(全市别的BUILDER 都用木板的) 这种泡沫纸用手按一按就一个洞, 更别说钉个钉子或承重什么的了. 难怪贴SIDING的工人对我说他们要特别小心翼翼. --- 几十万买回来的"纸"做的房子.
I guess this was your first house so you might not be familiar with the way houses are built here in Canada: those foams are "insulation", as was pointed out by 悠着点, upon wichi another sheet made of synthetic fibre will be wrapped. convince yourself by look around at some other sites, they all use the same material, only Tartan use a higer R value foam.
(2) 几乎没有间隙的独立房
如果你去看TARTAN在HEAVENLEA的样本房, 房与房的间距还是可以的. 但是千万不要被假象蒙蔽了. 真正的售出的房子, 房与房的间距要小很多. 以HEAVENLEA SITE为例, 一般说来从房子的边缘到分界线的间距只有1.10米 --- 你和你的邻居可以通过各自的窗子握握手.[/B]
nowadays houses are built closer and closer to each other and tartan is no exception to it. it depends on which site you go: Tartan at findley creek is more generous in leaving more room between. you should've noticed that before you'd bought by walking around the neighbourhood.
(3) 故意拖延工期
为了减少成本, TARTAN要等附近的几个LOT都售出后才请包工队同时开工. 我是今年三月签的约, 市政府四月底就批下了BUILDING PERMIT. 但TARTAN等到七月中才与附近的5家同时开挖地基. 作为客户, 我却不能对CLOSING DATE的延迟有任何办法, 因为在合同的小字部分有一句, TARTAN 可以拖延四个月而不用付补偿费..[/B]
u're lucky budy, my first house with claridge(richcraft) had a >one year dealy. by law, any delay beyond 4 mth has to be compensated. but claridge/richcraft had this brilliant idea of cancelling the contract when we just about to reach 4 months and have you to sign a new one- just imagine if you wanted to walk away with a signed contract... some of my neighbours opted out for other sites/builders.
so there's nothing special about this Tartan you've been dealing with: this is a capitalist country, and there 's no 党和政府 to turn to,. Unlike in china, the government has nothing to fear by having just a few people like you and me be pissed off. this is acountry "ruled by law", which means you can always sue them, if you have enough money and time...
(4) 粗制烂造乱收费.
签约时我另外付钱在POWDER ROOM上加个小窗子, 并列出规格. 结果造房工人在这个小厕所里加了个落地大窗. 为避免日后生活中的尴尬, 我不得不要求把这个落地窗修改成原来要求的小窗子. 这次窗子安装得高高在上要垫起脚尖才能开窗关窗. 于是我有不得不又另外掏一百元,画出具体位置,让他们修改原本属于他们的错误.[/B]
this is definitely a slip from the builder. from what you've said, I don't think you should've paid for the relocation of the window. you can insist that this is their fault and have it done for free.
I've gone through one round of this kind of experience nce and is about to jump into another round once again. Pardon me to tell you: the builder you've been dealing with is no kinder or meaner than any other one around. Monarch is definitely on top fo the laureat list but for what they 've charged you, they better deliver this kind of service. after all, you get what you'v paid for.
to my opinion, unless you those really bad ones like that“trashcraft”, they are all the same. what you end up with is really a combination of luck and timing: all the houses built late 90's early 2001 to 2004 are shabby houses due to lack of well trained trades and professionalism of foremen.
a word for the wise: don't get upset with the builder until your year-end list has been fixed. if you get them upset, all they will do is "sue us"!
if you encounter any difficulties, bring it up here and hear from others.
和各位分享. [/B][/QUOTE].