我和TARTAN builder

SIDING 和门砖都是直接贴在这些廉价泡沫塑料外墙上的. 从成品房的外观上看不到这些猫腻.

再过十年换SIDING时, 就不得不连外墙一起换了, 因为泡沫塑料纸很脆弱,SIDING一动,泡沫纸也会碎.

当时看TARTAN的资料, 说的是"ADDITIONAL R5 INSULATION", 以为是在通常的木板墙外另加的R5保温层, 也没有去工地看看. 早知是用泡沫塑料做的垃圾, 我一定不会买的.
最初由 悠着点 发布
小傻, 请继续观察, 追踪报道.功

I got the sample of the foam (from builder's rubbish bin :D). For sure, the rigidity of the foam could not compare with plywood...

I will do some experiment in my garage tonight and show you my results..

a_little, sorry to hear your experience. If you don't like people follow up your post, I can delete mine.
Vinyl Siding lasts very long. You don't need to replace them after ten years.
They usually put some vertical wood strip on insulation then nail siding on the wood strip or they can nail through it to the wood board under it. The first one is better.
The method is not new. Many older home use this method to add insulation when they replace rotten wood siding. It has been proved.