--- 记《南京梦魇》的制作人朗恩 ・ 乔瑟夫
你看过恐怖影片吧,很常见的镜头大概是这样:一个疯狂的男人举着利器追赶手无寸铁抖成一团的女人,最后手起刀落,恶魔哈哈大笑... 你知道,在中国,60 多年前,就是这样的镜头―― 真实的、血淋淋的,在一个叫做南京的城市,一天内就重复上千次," 恐怖" 这个字眼还够用吗?这就是二战中,日军在中国土地上留下的魔影。
世界都知道二战期间纳粹对的惨无人道的行径,但对于日本人在中国做了什么,却不甚了了。朗恩・ 乔瑟夫(Rhawn Joseph, Ph. D) 是一个美国人,一位心脑科医学博士。25 年前,还是他在读书的时候,读到了这段日军侵华的历史,读到了南京大屠杀,他感到震惊:作为通晓历史的他,却都不知道日本人曾在中国进行了这样血腥的大屠杀。他觉得最不可思议的是:日本当时的报刊居然大肆刊登那些日军屠杀中国人的新闻和照片。
"纳粹屠杀犹太人,但纳粹媒体把杀戮本身藏起来,遮起来, "乔瑟夫博士说," 但是日本人,却把它登在报纸上来炫耀!"
他于是准备写一本有关这段历史的书。抱定了一个愿望:让世界知道,他开始了漫长的收集史料的工作。几年之后,华裔作家张纯如出版了《南京大屠杀》一书,他放弃了出书的计划。仔细拜读张纯如的这本书,他受了很多启发,也去研究当年挽救很多南京百姓的金陵女大外籍教师华群女士的事迹,并且看了其它两三部纪录片,他想,书既然出了,那他应该做一部纪录片 -- 《南京梦魇》。
同期,他先完成了另一部片子:《希特勒日记》(Hitler's Diaries) ,已在有线电视台、教育电视,以及一部分的公共电视网PBS 播放,KPX-CBS给予 " mesmerizing "(令人神驰 )的评语。
乔瑟夫有过写脚本的经验,又向来喜爱电影艺术,经营纪录片有其品味,像《希特勒日记》全片只有配乐和字幕,营造出独特的沉重氛围;日以继夜的苦干,长约 70 多分钟的《南京梦魇》终于出炉了,影片中有大约150 多帧图片参杂出现,并由乔瑟夫自己撰写英文旁白、自己讲述。影片的制作耗资3 万美金,都取于他自己的积蓄。
影片在旧金山湾区旧苗必达市社区中心首次试映,300 多人前往观看。观后人们陷入了良久的沉默,陷入了悲哀与愤怒。乔瑟夫希望让更多的人看到这部片子,于是有很多人联络了当地一家电视台--KQED ,KQED 看了这部片子以后,回答是:" 太多的流血情景,不适合给普通的观众播映,也不想开罪日本政府!"
" 这部片子的目的,不是为了加剧中国人对日本的仇恨,完全不是。" 乔瑟夫说," 但这段不可思议的历史一定要让全世界的人们都知道,不只有中国人。日本为什么还在否认这段罪恶,还在篡改历史来欺骗他们的孩子,为什么没有对曾经的那么惨无人道的行径而感到忏悔?这本身就是一件世人应该警觉地事。德国战后做了多少事来消减他们罪恶感,生怕纳粹的概念再滋生,而日本,为什么可以这样堂而皇之地根本不承认他们曾经做的孽? "
"不认罪,就有趋向再犯罪。 "作为脑科医生的乔瑟夫对于人类心理学的研究已经颇有建树, "人,归根到底是一种生物。否认错误,就有重蹈覆辙的趋向。 "
R. Joseph, Ph.D.
677 Elm St.
San Jose , CA 95126
Now Showing: "Nightmare in Nanking : Japanese Atrocities in Asia"
Movie World Premier:
Monday, September 19, 2005
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
Doors Open 7pm. Movie Starts: 8pm
Running time: 77 Minutes Black & White, Color
Produced by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
纪录片《南京梦魇》片花: (Movie Trailer)
This movie show is free to attend, but it is suggested that you reserve a ticket on line to show your support and also to get a closer seat. The previous two showings were "standing room only" and hundreds of people were turned away.
For In????ation, DVDs, or Advance Ticket Reservations:
Doc. Joseph has plans to provide FREE showings of "Nightmare in Nanking" in San Francsico, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, and world wide among both Asian and White communities. You can help.
Please contact Ms. Wu or Doc. Joseph if you want to donate, make a contribution, or become a sponsor:
Ms. Wu, ucsd3721@yahoo.com
Director of Marketing & Publicity, 408-904-8419(C)
R. Joseph, Ph.D. 408-286-9833(O) RJoseph@brainmind.com
Checks send to:
R. Joseph, Ph.D.
677 Elm St.
San Jose , CA 95126
Nightmare in Nanking--the Movie
Nightmare in Nanking is not for the faint-hearted. Many of the pictures are horrible. Japanese soldiers tear out the eyes of children, gang-rape women then set them on fire, bury people alive or use them for bayonet practice...beheading women, children, old men....and torturing people for fun...and then laughing hysterically as victims, who have been set on fire, run screaming through the night...
"We had fun killing Chinese. We caught some innocent Chinese and either buried them alive, or pushed them into a fire, or beat them to death with clubs. When they were half dead we pushed them into ditches and burned them, torturing them to death. Everyone gets his entertainment this way. Its like killing dogs and cats." --Asahi Shimbun, Japanese soldier, describing Japanese atrocities during the Rape of Nanking.
"We took turns raping them. We always stabbed and killed them. When we were raping her, we looked at her as a woman. But when we killed her, we just thought of her as something like a pig." --Azuma Shiro, Japanese soldier.
We should let more people in this world know the truth of this history. Now an American Doctor contributed half year and his personal savings to produce this movie, we, Asian/Chinese should offer our hands to support him and help promote this movie around the world.
Now the producer needs support to provide FREE showings and to promote this movie and to tell the world about the Rape of Nanking. Your donations will be used for:
1. Pay for copyright permission fees for the music soundtrack used in the movie which is over $100, 000.00.
2. Organize more free movie show in the White community of U.S. ( it cost at least $8000 for per free movie show)
3. Make Chinese/ Korean/ Japanese/ European DVD versions
4. Promote this movie in the Public TV channel of US
A $25.00 donation reserves two seats.
If you donate $100.00 will get a VHS and 2 reserve tickets to the
9/19 showing.
If you donate $500.00 will get a VHS, 5 DVDs, and 10 reserved tickets
for reserved seats in the first 10 rows.
For $5,000.00 or above Sponsorships, 1) the sponsor will have his/her name or ad presented at the beginning of the movie, and 2) their name/ad will be part of the DVD, and 3) their name/ad will be part of any ads for the movie.
And this will be part of the Special Edition DVD.
Film Producer wrote:
A preview of Nightmare in Nanking was shown for the first time, on June 27, 2005, in Silicon Valley, California , in a small theater which seats 300. Over 400 people packed the room, it was standing room only. It was deathly quiet throughout the film. I received several "standing" ovations at the end of the film, and no one left the theater (except reporters rushing to meet deadlines) for almost an hour after the film ended. Members of the audience spontaneously offered thousands of dollars in donations to help promote the film.
A second showing of Nightmare in Nanking, was held on August 3, 2005, in Fremont, CA. As with the first showing on June 27, it was "standing room only" with people lining the walls and sitting on the floor. Over 100 people had to be turned away. By the end of the film members of the audience were in shock and in tears, and that includes Whites, Asians, teenagers, and war veterans.
Currently, we have plans to provide showings of Nightmare in Nanking, in San Francisco , Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, New York city, and Washington D.C.
--- 记《南京梦魇》的制作人朗恩 ・ 乔瑟夫
你看过恐怖影片吧,很常见的镜头大概是这样:一个疯狂的男人举着利器追赶手无寸铁抖成一团的女人,最后手起刀落,恶魔哈哈大笑... 你知道,在中国,60 多年前,就是这样的镜头―― 真实的、血淋淋的,在一个叫做南京的城市,一天内就重复上千次," 恐怖" 这个字眼还够用吗?这就是二战中,日军在中国土地上留下的魔影。
世界都知道二战期间纳粹对的惨无人道的行径,但对于日本人在中国做了什么,却不甚了了。朗恩・ 乔瑟夫(Rhawn Joseph, Ph. D) 是一个美国人,一位心脑科医学博士。25 年前,还是他在读书的时候,读到了这段日军侵华的历史,读到了南京大屠杀,他感到震惊:作为通晓历史的他,却都不知道日本人曾在中国进行了这样血腥的大屠杀。他觉得最不可思议的是:日本当时的报刊居然大肆刊登那些日军屠杀中国人的新闻和照片。
"纳粹屠杀犹太人,但纳粹媒体把杀戮本身藏起来,遮起来, "乔瑟夫博士说," 但是日本人,却把它登在报纸上来炫耀!"
他于是准备写一本有关这段历史的书。抱定了一个愿望:让世界知道,他开始了漫长的收集史料的工作。几年之后,华裔作家张纯如出版了《南京大屠杀》一书,他放弃了出书的计划。仔细拜读张纯如的这本书,他受了很多启发,也去研究当年挽救很多南京百姓的金陵女大外籍教师华群女士的事迹,并且看了其它两三部纪录片,他想,书既然出了,那他应该做一部纪录片 -- 《南京梦魇》。
同期,他先完成了另一部片子:《希特勒日记》(Hitler's Diaries) ,已在有线电视台、教育电视,以及一部分的公共电视网PBS 播放,KPX-CBS给予 " mesmerizing "(令人神驰 )的评语。
乔瑟夫有过写脚本的经验,又向来喜爱电影艺术,经营纪录片有其品味,像《希特勒日记》全片只有配乐和字幕,营造出独特的沉重氛围;日以继夜的苦干,长约 70 多分钟的《南京梦魇》终于出炉了,影片中有大约150 多帧图片参杂出现,并由乔瑟夫自己撰写英文旁白、自己讲述。影片的制作耗资3 万美金,都取于他自己的积蓄。
影片在旧金山湾区旧苗必达市社区中心首次试映,300 多人前往观看。观后人们陷入了良久的沉默,陷入了悲哀与愤怒。乔瑟夫希望让更多的人看到这部片子,于是有很多人联络了当地一家电视台--KQED ,KQED 看了这部片子以后,回答是:" 太多的流血情景,不适合给普通的观众播映,也不想开罪日本政府!"
" 这部片子的目的,不是为了加剧中国人对日本的仇恨,完全不是。" 乔瑟夫说," 但这段不可思议的历史一定要让全世界的人们都知道,不只有中国人。日本为什么还在否认这段罪恶,还在篡改历史来欺骗他们的孩子,为什么没有对曾经的那么惨无人道的行径而感到忏悔?这本身就是一件世人应该警觉地事。德国战后做了多少事来消减他们罪恶感,生怕纳粹的概念再滋生,而日本,为什么可以这样堂而皇之地根本不承认他们曾经做的孽? "
"不认罪,就有趋向再犯罪。 "作为脑科医生的乔瑟夫对于人类心理学的研究已经颇有建树, "人,归根到底是一种生物。否认错误,就有重蹈覆辙的趋向。 "
R. Joseph, Ph.D.
677 Elm St.
San Jose , CA 95126
Now Showing: "Nightmare in Nanking : Japanese Atrocities in Asia"
Movie World Premier:
Monday, September 19, 2005
Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco
Doors Open 7pm. Movie Starts: 8pm
Running time: 77 Minutes Black & White, Color
Produced by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.
纪录片《南京梦魇》片花: (Movie Trailer)
This movie show is free to attend, but it is suggested that you reserve a ticket on line to show your support and also to get a closer seat. The previous two showings were "standing room only" and hundreds of people were turned away.
For In????ation, DVDs, or Advance Ticket Reservations:
Doc. Joseph has plans to provide FREE showings of "Nightmare in Nanking" in San Francsico, Los Angeles, New York, Washington DC, Seattle, and world wide among both Asian and White communities. You can help.
Please contact Ms. Wu or Doc. Joseph if you want to donate, make a contribution, or become a sponsor:
Ms. Wu, ucsd3721@yahoo.com
Director of Marketing & Publicity, 408-904-8419(C)
R. Joseph, Ph.D. 408-286-9833(O) RJoseph@brainmind.com
Checks send to:
R. Joseph, Ph.D.
677 Elm St.
San Jose , CA 95126
Nightmare in Nanking--the Movie
Nightmare in Nanking is not for the faint-hearted. Many of the pictures are horrible. Japanese soldiers tear out the eyes of children, gang-rape women then set them on fire, bury people alive or use them for bayonet practice...beheading women, children, old men....and torturing people for fun...and then laughing hysterically as victims, who have been set on fire, run screaming through the night...
"We had fun killing Chinese. We caught some innocent Chinese and either buried them alive, or pushed them into a fire, or beat them to death with clubs. When they were half dead we pushed them into ditches and burned them, torturing them to death. Everyone gets his entertainment this way. Its like killing dogs and cats." --Asahi Shimbun, Japanese soldier, describing Japanese atrocities during the Rape of Nanking.
"We took turns raping them. We always stabbed and killed them. When we were raping her, we looked at her as a woman. But when we killed her, we just thought of her as something like a pig." --Azuma Shiro, Japanese soldier.
We should let more people in this world know the truth of this history. Now an American Doctor contributed half year and his personal savings to produce this movie, we, Asian/Chinese should offer our hands to support him and help promote this movie around the world.
Now the producer needs support to provide FREE showings and to promote this movie and to tell the world about the Rape of Nanking. Your donations will be used for:
1. Pay for copyright permission fees for the music soundtrack used in the movie which is over $100, 000.00.
2. Organize more free movie show in the White community of U.S. ( it cost at least $8000 for per free movie show)
3. Make Chinese/ Korean/ Japanese/ European DVD versions
4. Promote this movie in the Public TV channel of US
A $25.00 donation reserves two seats.
If you donate $100.00 will get a VHS and 2 reserve tickets to the
9/19 showing.
If you donate $500.00 will get a VHS, 5 DVDs, and 10 reserved tickets
for reserved seats in the first 10 rows.
For $5,000.00 or above Sponsorships, 1) the sponsor will have his/her name or ad presented at the beginning of the movie, and 2) their name/ad will be part of the DVD, and 3) their name/ad will be part of any ads for the movie.
And this will be part of the Special Edition DVD.
Film Producer wrote:
A preview of Nightmare in Nanking was shown for the first time, on June 27, 2005, in Silicon Valley, California , in a small theater which seats 300. Over 400 people packed the room, it was standing room only. It was deathly quiet throughout the film. I received several "standing" ovations at the end of the film, and no one left the theater (except reporters rushing to meet deadlines) for almost an hour after the film ended. Members of the audience spontaneously offered thousands of dollars in donations to help promote the film.
A second showing of Nightmare in Nanking, was held on August 3, 2005, in Fremont, CA. As with the first showing on June 27, it was "standing room only" with people lining the walls and sitting on the floor. Over 100 people had to be turned away. By the end of the film members of the audience were in shock and in tears, and that includes Whites, Asians, teenagers, and war veterans.
Currently, we have plans to provide showings of Nightmare in Nanking, in San Francisco , Los Angeles, Seattle, Philadelphia, New York city, and Washington D.C.