
ING v.s. PC

Another point is, for visitors, it is easier to open account with ING (and currently there is $13 bonus for new customer), while there are various document, credit history requied for opening account with PC.

If you don't do lots of transactions, and look for highest return on your savings, ING is a better choice.

If you do lots of shopping, PC will be better. Also, if you apply for PC mastercard, it is easy to get a rebate of $150-200 annually from the pc pointed you earned during that year. Check www.pcfinancial.ca
最初由 sage 发布
London life insurance is offering something called "Freedom 55", meaning that you can have your financial freedom at age 55. Hence here goes my "Freedom 85". :D

With my pension funds in Notel (thanks to my portfolio manager), I might have freedom at age 185.......
就我自己,经常用cash我自己又不带很多的cash,TD和PC就相对显得很重要。至于PC MasterCard,我不会在这上面拿到多少的回扣,我的信用卡消费本就不多。数得出来的就是加加油,在老外店里买买东西。一个月用不了多少。
PC mastercard攒点还是挺快的,俺才小半年,就已经五万多点了,以前用其它卡攒airmile的时候,一个月才二三十点. :)
大家说了半天,怎没看一个人说这 PC 要是关门了怎么办呢?

还真不是危言耸听。95 年英国的巴林银行由于操盘手尼克里森的误算几近关门,
最后出手挽救这家百年老字号银行的就是荷兰的 ING。

一直觉得 PC 是 LOBLAWS 家的银行,总有点儿不放心。:)
最初由 ottawa_ca 发布
大家说了半天,怎没看一个人说这 PC 要是关门了怎么办呢?

还真不是危言耸听。95 年英国的巴林银行由于操盘手尼克里森的误算几近关门,
最后出手挽救这家百年老字号银行的就是荷兰的 ING。

一直觉得 PC 是 LOBLAWS 家的银行,总有点儿不放心。:)

Loblows可是真正的Canadian brand name! the branch from coast to coast.
PC 可是CIBC集团下的,来头不小的哦
其实我也就是说说。放个几千钱块的 CASH 进去花着方便,还能挣个高利息,真不错。

不过谁要是有大钱,我是说那种类似于棺材板钱 :) 我看还是放大银行里保险。
谁知道 TD WATERHOUSE 的利息是多少?好象也不低。

我炒股炒得是心灰意懒,帐上剩的 CASH 也懒地动,每次拿到 STATEMENT, 唯一安慰的就是又挣了点儿利息 :(
最初由 sean 发布

I know that. But I can transfer my money with ING and other banks through internet or phone. I don't need to move one step to do the transaction. Thus, you don't have to withdraw money from one bank counter or ATM and then deposit the money in CIBC or Loblaw ATM.

Actually, I have 2 of these bank account to take advantage of it. Because, ING offer higher interest and internet/telephone withdraw/deposit; PC financials offer no fee daily transaction.

最初由 eelvis 发布


www.ingdirect.ca/en After you mail them the first check with 100 dollar deposit, then they help me make a link with each other. Thus you can move the money from this 2 banks via the web and free of charge in ING for both withdraw and deposit.
Re: ING v.s. PC

最初由 xiaomage 发布
Another point is, for visitors, it is easier to open account with ING (and currently there is $13 bonus for new customer), while there are various document, credit history requied for opening account with PC.

If you don't do lots of transactions, and look for highest return on your savings, ING is a better choice.

If you do lots of shopping, PC will be better. Also, if you apply for PC mastercard, it is easy to get a rebate of $150-200 annually from the pc pointed you earned during that year. Check www.pcfinancial.ca

I talked with service associate last night over the phone and she couldn't offer offer the $13 bonus for me. She told me it was only valid to selected persons with invitation. What is the matter?
Re: Re: ING v.s. PC

最初由 zhoutie 发布

I talked with service associate last night over the phone and she couldn't offer offer the $13 bonus for me. She told me it was only valid to selected persons with invitation. What is the matter?

some existing client refer you with special form. I have one.