Can't agree. Used house usually more expensive if it is less than 10 year old in most area. Given an used home you can also do whatever changes you like,including structure changes. A established community makes used house even more valuable.
Actually the only advantage of purchasing a new house is the price,which is much lower than a well being used home. New house is more attractive to the first time buyer.
I do not understand what is your point. The new house you can also do the same thing if you like and have the money.
最初由 tootoo 发布 Actually the only advantage of purchasing a new house is the price,which is much lower than a well being used home. New house is more attractive to the first time buyer.
If SOME DAY, I got a jackpot and no need to worry about money any more , I would change my career as a carpenter, having my own workshop (not in the garage), big work bench, loads of tools(Bosch ones, not Jobmate ones)...dreaming now