L Ling2000 知名会员 注册 2007-11-29 消息 13 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 111 2008-12-11 #46 我有个3岁的女儿,1个10个月的儿子,住在Barrhaven, 很想加人,是否迟了? 我的联系方式是elaineliu2000@hotmail.com
GYGY 屋小爱盈 人少趣溢 心之所倚 我爱我家 VIP 注册 2003-04-25 消息 4,680 荣誉分数 1,626 声望点数 323 2008-12-12 #47 I live in centrepointe. I have a 2 years old daughter. Can I join your playgroup?
QBoy&Girl^_^ 掌门人 VIP 注册 2003-11-08 消息 7,586 荣誉分数 910 声望点数 243 所在地 http://www.smartparent.lovablelabels.ca 2009-01-15 #50 不好意思,现在非常忙,暂时没有太多的时间组织活动。 如果有其它妈妈们可以牵头组织一下活动就太好了。
A Anna34 知名会员 注册 2004-03-15 消息 359 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 128 2009-02-04 #52 如果能有个场地,每周定期聚会就好了。这样妈妈们和宝宝们都会相互熟悉,才会玩的开心,聊得尽兴。
Y ylan 新手上路 注册 2009-02-08 消息 22 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2009-02-09 #53 That's excellent idea. I would like to join in. My daughter Charlene is two months old and I live close by Loeb & Shopper's Drug. You can email me at yinghuggins@yahoo.ca. Thanks for organizing this. Ying
That's excellent idea. I would like to join in. My daughter Charlene is two months old and I live close by Loeb & Shopper's Drug. You can email me at yinghuggins@yahoo.ca. Thanks for organizing this. Ying