11月份集体BIRTHDAY PARTY(晚上节目单在11页)

Re: Re: Happy birthday to our little angel!

最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布
The party is getting bigger and busier. Don't forget we have another xiao shou xing. Happy Birthday to you---Wenwen!!!

过了生日四岁了, 就不是三岁小孩了:D
不用客气。 让雯雯给大家出个保留节目喔!

最初由 Riven 发布
过了生日四岁了, 就不是三岁小孩了:D

Man they grow so fast. You are lucky to have a daughter as she will still flower come flower go around you. Boys, they start to think mom is the dumbiest in the world once they start school they limit interaction with you to the few times asking for allowance.

And never to ask them to run to the corner store to get something..... You asked, "Where is the change", he went, "What change?"
There is another xiao shou xing: AIDEN!!!
有一段时间由于工作需要,我经常在医院蹲点.看见护士们不忙的时候就和她们唠磕.看见妇产科注册处后面放了好多简易病床,却从来没见利用过.就问她们有必要准备这么多床吗? 医院里接生的护士会非常夸张地说,在最忙的时候那那儿都是病人,楼道里都快挤满了.问她们什么时候最忙呢.11月份!大家异口同声地说.我想也没想就问为什么.护士们一脸坏笑,反问到,你知道二月份有个情人节吗? 哈哈哈哈. :lol: :lol: :lol:
大家明天吃好玩好! 不过不要忘了今天的游泳,后天的滑冰哟.:banana: :banana: :banana:
I always thought it was due to the Chinese new year........

最初由 雪在烧 发布
有一段时间由于工作需要,我经常在医院蹲点.看见护士们不忙的时候就和她们唠磕.看见妇产科注册处后面放了好多简易病床,却从来没见利用过.就问她们有必要准备这么多床吗? 医院里接生的护士会非常夸张地说,在最忙的时候那那儿都是病人,楼道里都快挤满了.问她们什么时候最忙呢.11月份!大家异口同声地说.我想也没想就问为什么.护士们一脸坏笑,反问到,你知道二月份有个情人节吗? 哈哈哈哈. :lol: :lol: :lol:

And in the 60-70's, that's when daddys visit home...................
可不是嘛, 列举一下我家小子打过4岁生日后做的事吧。

最初由 Riven 发布
过了生日四岁了, 就不是三岁小孩了:D

He goes to school and rides on the school bus.

He watches Pokemon and Digimon instead of Bob the Builder or Thomas the Tankengine.

He eats by himself and tidies up his toys.

He shares with his buddies and invites them to HIS house.

He picks his own treats and throws them into shopping cart and makes sure Mommy pays for them at the check-out.

He wishlists and circles all the toys on the weekly flyer (then forget about it.)

He asks young ladies to buy him a drink at the restaurant.

He walks his princess down the aisle.......




But he still clings to me and calls me the best mom he's ever had (how many are out there that I don't know of?) I know eventually they will grow up and go away, but I will hold his hands as long as they reach for me.
最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布
But he still clings to me and calls me the best mom he's ever had (how many are out there that I don't know of?) I know eventually they will grow up and go away, but I will hold his hands as long as they reach for me.

:cool: :cool:

小马嫂这两天感慨颇深啊。:blink: :blink:
最初由 EndlessMussels 发布

:cool: :cool:

小马嫂这两天感慨颇深啊。:blink: :blink:

Because I didn't get invited to the endless mussels...........
最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布

Because I didn't get invited to the endless mussels...........

i thought "BobtheBuilder" is like this guy:
Aiden knows better than you do!!!

最初由 wuwei 发布

i thought "BobtheBuilder" is like this guy:

Actually that's how he looks like,

Aiden, Bob says "Happy Birthday! Can we fix it? Yes, W-E-C-A-N!!"
Re: Aiden knows better than you do!!!

最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布

Actually that's how he looks like,

Aiden, Bob says "Happy Birthday! Can we fix it? Yes, W-E-C-A-N!!"

o i c :p