xiaomage Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-17 消息 2,893 荣誉分数 289 声望点数 213 所在地 渥村仕同湾 2005-11-01 #17 最初由 AfterDie 发布 I like "all you can eat" 点击展开... Me too, I like mussels and oysters. Let's find some place to go together. D'arcy McGee's is a quite decent Irish Pub with nice Irish folk music. They used to have this deal, but it seems that it has ended.
最初由 AfterDie 发布 I like "all you can eat" 点击展开... Me too, I like mussels and oysters. Let's find some place to go together. D'arcy McGee's is a quite decent Irish Pub with nice Irish folk music. They used to have this deal, but it seems that it has ended.
sourcil 知名会员 VIP 注册 2005-03-08 消息 1,388 荣誉分数 296 声望点数 193 2005-11-01 #18 书生哥欣慰了吧,这个贴跟着就跟到吃的话题上了。 注意啊,吃海鲜的时候,不要喝果汁,据说混一混就弄出砒霜来。我的切身体验是mussels与pineapple juice不能一块儿享受……
雨中花 高级会员 VIP 注册 2005-04-12 消息 1,282 荣誉分数 340 声望点数 93 2005-11-01 #19 最初由 sourcil 发布 书生哥欣慰了吧,这个贴跟着就跟到吃的话题上了。 注意啊,吃海鲜的时候,不要喝果汁,据说混一混就弄出砒霜来。我的切身体验是mussels与pineapple juice不能一块儿享受…… 点击展开... 呵呵,这是似水流年的传统了。不过这次是小马哥先往这边引的,有点不同寻常。 队长,生日快乐!!
最初由 sourcil 发布 书生哥欣慰了吧,这个贴跟着就跟到吃的话题上了。 注意啊,吃海鲜的时候,不要喝果汁,据说混一混就弄出砒霜来。我的切身体验是mussels与pineapple juice不能一块儿享受…… 点击展开... 呵呵,这是似水流年的传统了。不过这次是小马哥先往这边引的,有点不同寻常。 队长,生日快乐!!
shusheng CFC 分析员 VIP 注册 2003-07-10 消息 9,868 荣誉分数 440 声望点数 193 2005-11-01 #20 还是雨中花厚道。来啊,给苏主任上mussel和pineapple juice 队长,生日快乐!!
多 多伦多 新手上路 注册 2005-07-03 消息 340 荣誉分数 12 声望点数 0 2005-11-01 #21 最初由 xiaomage 发布 Me too, I like mussels and oysters. Let's find some place to go together. D'arcy McGee's is a quite decent Irish Pub with nice Irish folk music. They used to have this deal, but it seems that it has ended. 点击展开... It was a loud American band in the pub that day.And all you can order are American food. I got a CD full of Irish music, beautiful Violin.
最初由 xiaomage 发布 Me too, I like mussels and oysters. Let's find some place to go together. D'arcy McGee's is a quite decent Irish Pub with nice Irish folk music. They used to have this deal, but it seems that it has ended. 点击展开... It was a loud American band in the pub that day.And all you can order are American food. I got a CD full of Irish music, beautiful Violin.
xiaomage Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-17 消息 2,893 荣誉分数 289 声望点数 213 所在地 渥村仕同湾 2005-11-04 #23 最初由 sourcil 发布 书生哥欣慰了吧,这个贴跟着就跟到吃的话题上了。 注意啊,吃海鲜的时候,不要喝果汁,据说混一混就弄出砒霜来。我的切身体验是mussels与pineapple juice不能一块儿享受…… 点击展开... REALLY? 海里的水果(fruits de mer)和地上的水果相加就是毒药啊?寒
最初由 sourcil 发布 书生哥欣慰了吧,这个贴跟着就跟到吃的话题上了。 注意啊,吃海鲜的时候,不要喝果汁,据说混一混就弄出砒霜来。我的切身体验是mussels与pineapple juice不能一块儿享受…… 点击展开... REALLY? 海里的水果(fruits de mer)和地上的水果相加就是毒药啊?寒
xiaomage Moderator VIP 注册 2002-01-17 消息 2,893 荣誉分数 289 声望点数 213 所在地 渥村仕同湾 2005-11-04 #24 最初由 队长 发布 It was a loud American band in the pub that day.And all you can order are American food. I got a CD full of Irish music, beautiful Violin. 点击展开... 完了完了。。。
最初由 队长 发布 It was a loud American band in the pub that day.And all you can order are American food. I got a CD full of Irish music, beautiful Violin. 点击展开... 完了完了。。。