圣 诞 前 夕 聚 会 - 征 求 大 家 意 见

It's getting close! Is everyone up for restaurant gathering? I know TianRun has big private rooms, any other ones? Let's decide within a few days... ^.^

BTW, BM for 2.
最初由 Victoria 发布
It's getting close! Is everyone up for restaurant gathering? I know TianRun has big private rooms, any other ones? Let's decide within a few days... ^.^

But I don't think the private rooms of TianRun are big enough if many moms and kids attend.
最初由 Tracy 发布

But I don't think the private rooms of TianRun are big enough if many moms and kids attend.

Thanks for the tip! 还 有 什 么 其 它 的 餐 馆 吗 ? 大 家 帮 忙 想 想 , 有 private room 最 好 , 餐 馆 的 好 处 就 是 不 用 煮 饭 , 嘻 嘻 。 。 。 日 期 可 定 12月 11号 或 12月 17号
最初由 littlefish 发布
