C cy25915 知名会员 注册 2004-03-07 消息 460 荣誉分数 57 声望点数 138 2005-11-15 #1 请教各位Deep flyer 过滤油的东西(纸或网)哪里可以买到.去过WALMART,没有见到合适的网(需要非常细密的).谢谢
W woyaofa 新手上路 注册 2004-06-22 消息 69 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2005-11-15 #2 Bought it from Canadian Tire, also saw it at Zellers and Wal-Mart.
T Timothy's Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-30 消息 2,251 荣誉分数 50 声望点数 178 2005-11-15 #3 也想买一个deep fryer.各位用过的是不是可以解绍一下经验. 用的时候房间是不是有味. 油是不是能反复用.那一种比较好. 谢谢
V Victoria ME 注册 2002-07-30 消息 1,438 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 168 2005-11-15 #4 Some fryers are odorless. You can use it on your deck, so no smoke in the house, but it'll be hard in this weather; the oil can be reused, at the end of each use, put some fresh onions in, it will absorb the food odor.
Some fryers are odorless. You can use it on your deck, so no smoke in the house, but it'll be hard in this weather; the oil can be reused, at the end of each use, put some fresh onions in, it will absorb the food odor.