study permit 被拒,且过了3个月renew期限,是不要要回国再签?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 gyneo
  • 开始时间 开始时间
版主,偶今天去亨瑞移民咨询问了一下.一个移民顾问告诉我,我这个情况很难办,再把东西寄到case process centre 没有什么用的. 基本上我属于被之前的那个律师忽悠了,他告诉我现在还可以去 200 catherine street的ottawa citizenship and immigration centre试试告诉他们我的遭遇,如果有人同情,就可以拿到study permit.如若不然,就只能回国签了. 他说的有道理吗? 版主?
不太清楚什么概念,我问的几个人都告诉我说回国签如果FUND没有问题的话他们没有理由拒绝你... 现在我呆在这里是违法的,万一在这边办下不来签证以后要再签几率就很低了... 反正莫不到头脑了:( 还是要感谢版主为了我的事情劳心劳力:)
最初由 gyneo 发布
不太清楚什么概念,我问的几个人都告诉我说回国签如果FUND没有问题的话他们没有理由拒绝你... 现在我呆在这里是违法的,万一在这边办下不来签证以后要再签几率就很低了... 反正莫不到头脑了:( 还是要感谢版主为了我的事情劳心劳力:)
恩,一定一定!版主的大恩大德真是没齿难忘! 要不你把你家地址告诉我,到时候我搬个几十箱到你家:)
其实我是不想回去的,正如你所说的一旦回去了就回不来了,可是问题是...现在如果我去200 catherine street的ottawa citizenship and immigration centre要签证没有要到的话我就算呆在这里也不能读书了,就一直黑在这里也不是办法吧,总不见得到时候申请难民? 说被多伦多的律师迫害... 也很复杂的说,现在我咨询了那么多个人,告诉我最坏的结果就是回国签,所以我尽量要和移民官磨嘴皮子,拿不到study permit我就赖在那里了,除非她call security赶偶走
今天我去了OTTAWA CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION CENTRE,里面的工作人员告诉我,我可以appley for restoration多交点钱就可以解决了.如果资料没有问题的话,study permit应该不成问题的.
今天把资料寄出去了,就是在renew study permit 的基础上再restoration一下,多交200box
Good luck
最初由 nokia 发布


If your current temporary resident status is still valid you can apply for an extension of your stay providing you apply at least 30 days before the expiry date of your current status. Your original temporary status as a student continues under the same conditions until your application is finalized and you have been notified of the decision.

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最初由 gyneo 发布


最初由 gyneo 发布
今天我去了OTTAWA CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION CENTRE,里面的工作人员告诉我,我可以appley for restoration多交点钱就可以解决了.如果资料没有问题的话,study permit应该不成问题的.

你的问题还是有些麻烦。 因为那个移民公司的耽搁,你没能在你的study permit 到期前一个月寄出申请,所以,你的study permit到期(8月26号)之后,你的居留已经不合法了。而Restoration的条件是你的合法身份过期90天之内,所以,严格说,你已经不具备申请restoration的条件了。不过,移民局那些混蛋对cic的规定也不是都懂,他们是什么事都可能做出的。这里祝你一切顺利。

Restoration of Status

You may seek restoration within 90 days after your status as a student has been lost, if you have only failed to comply with one or more of the following conditions:

• You lost status because you remained in Canada longer than the period authorized for your stay (but not longer than 90 days)
• You changed the type of studies, educational institution, location of studies, or times and periods of studies without applying to change these conditions on your study permit if they were specified on your study permit
• You changed employers, type of work, or location of work without applying to change these conditions if they were specified on your work permit.
• You continue to meet the initial requirements for your stay and have not failed to comply with any other conditions imposed.

You have committed an offence under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act if you have not abided by the conditions that were imposed when your entry was authorized or when your work or study permit was issued. You may voluntarily leave Canada or you may be subject to an admissibility hearing that could lead to removal from Canada. Your temporary resident status in Canada will have been lost, and (if applicable) your student and/or work permit will have ceased to be valid.

You may wish to complete an application to apply for restoration of temporary resident status and for a new study permit. There is no guarantee that your application will be accepted. On your application you must provide full details of all the facts and circumstances that resulted in you committing the offence.

If you apply for a study permit, you must pay the permit fee as well as the restoration fee when applying. Restoration applies to each member who has lost his or her status.

An officer will evaluate your request for restoration of status and if approved will process your application for a study permit. You will then be advised of any further action to be taken.

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