

上课时间怎么安排的?上课内容是什么?可以告之吗? 地点在哪?谢谢!
English prenatal class also helps

I am in an English prenatal class right now, held by City of Ottawa.
6 weeks for 32 bulks. two hours per week.

The content is not hard to understand at all since i have borrowed some pregnancy guide books.

Good Luck!

Re: 一般应该什么时候参加孕妇班啊?

最初由 brightbirder 发布

City of Ottawa (English class) 一 般 在 孕 期 16 周 开 始 上 课 (6个 课 程 6星 期 结 束 ), 要 早 报 名 , 不 然 排 不 上 队 。 我 是 16 周 时 报 名 的 , 当 时 已 经 满 了 , 他 们 不 收 我 , 后 来 我 20 周 又 开 了 别 的 班 , 刚 好 有 人 退 出 我 才 进 去 的 。 一 般 准 妈 妈 过 了 16 周 他 们 好 像 也 不 愿 意 收 了 , 所 以 报 名 要 早 ! :)
我是22周的时候才去上的City of Ottawa (English class)的课。我的印象中是20周之后就很难报名了。不过我的情况有点特殊,我是20周才搬到渥太华来。电话里和接线员小姐解释后,她很热心的帮我安排了,还一再保证22周上课也不晚。我觉得都是可以商量的,没有那么严格。
我今天给city of ottawa打了电话,已经满了。她说我已经18周再等下期太晚了。请问还有哪些地方有这种课?姐妹们都是两个人去的吗?她建议我和老公一起去。谢谢。
最初由 beautiful life 发布
我今天给city of ottawa打了电话,已经满了。她说我已经18周再等下期太晚了。请问还有哪些地方有这种课?姐妹们都是两个人去的吗?她建议我和老公一起去。谢谢。

最初由 beautiful life 发布
我今天给city of ottawa打了电话,已经满了。她说我已经18周再等下期太晚了。请问还有哪些地方有这种课?姐妹们都是两个人去的吗?她建议我和老公一起去。谢谢。

Which hospital will you be deliver your baby? Because the hospital also offers prenatal classes. However, it cost about $120 for the very similar materials.

And yes, go with your husband, it's a 2 people job, not just mommy's... ;)
最初由 Victoria 发布

Which hospital will you be deliver your baby? Because the hospital also offers prenatal classes. However, it cost about $120 for the very similar materials.

And yes, go with your husband, it's a 2 people job, not just mommy's... ;)

there are two classes in civic hospital.one is for pregnancy series,40$,the other is for labour birth new born series,120$.which one i should take?in city of ottawa class,do they teach early pregnancy and labour birth both?
最初由 beautiful life 发布

there are two classes in civic hospital.one is for pregnancy series,40$,the other is for labour birth new born series,120$.which one i should take?in city of ottawa class,do they teach early pregnancy and labour birth both?

I didn't take the classes from the hospital, but I would think the labour birth class should be more useful. Ask yourself, are you more nervous about the birth and bringing baby home, or are you nervous about the 9-month pregnancy? Even if you don't take the classes, not too worry either, because the hopital staff will tell you exactly what to do, and when to do it (like pushing, breathing, etc...), it's nice to know in advance, but even if you don't, they're there for you!

The useful stuff I learnt from prenatal classes is recognizing labour signs: 1. The show (bleeding); 2. Water breaks; 3. regular contractions; and 4. (forgot this one!) :blowzy: