[转贴] 回国的感觉:搭错车的移民

最初由 美丽世界的孤儿 发布





:cool: :cool: :cool:
对于新移民来说,选择回国也不是一件象你说的那么容易的事. 你可以想象一下:办移民,有些人是交了8000 US$ 通过移民公司办的.在办移民过程中,要耐心等待2年甚至4年时间. 上新东方,学习英语,考雅思,办理工程师协会认证,办理各种公证,托关系送礼办各种加拿大使馆要求的文件. 卖掉房子,卖掉家具,辞掉工作,拖家带口的来到加拿大. 满心希望到加拿大之后通过自己的汗水和辛苦劳动,过上移民公司介绍的"世界上最适宜人类居住"的发达资本主义国家生活. 可是,他们来到这里,学历和工作经历不被承认,长期找不到工作,发了几百封求职信也没有得到回音. 坐吃山空,积蓄花光了,孩子(一般2-10岁)回国之后功课不一定能跟得上国内同龄的孩子......

新移民所经历的难处你可能是很难理解和想象的. 即使决定要回国,也不是象你说的"不喜欢就回去"那么简单(尽管加拿大没有人强迫你留下).
最初由 农夫 发布
对于新移民来说,选择回国也不是一件象你说的那么容易的事. 你可以想象一下:办移民,有些人是交了8000 US$ 通过移民公司办的.在办移民过程中,要耐心等待2年甚至4年时间. 上新东方,学习英语,考雅思,办理工程师协会认证,办理各种公证,托关系送礼办各种加拿大使馆要求的文件. 卖掉房子,卖掉家具,辞掉工作,拖家带口的来到加拿大. 满心希望到加拿大之后通过自己的汗水和辛苦劳动,过上移民公司介绍的"世界上最适宜人类居住"的发达资本主义国家生活. 可是,他们来到这里,学历和工作经历不被承认,长期找不到工作,发了几百封求职信也没有得到回音. 坐吃山空,积蓄花光了,孩子(一般2-10岁)回国之后功课不一定能跟得上国内同龄的孩子......

新移民所经历的难处你可能是很难理解和想象的. 即使决定要回国,也不是象你说的"不喜欢就回去"那么简单(尽管加拿大没有人强迫你留下).


其实就是4个字: 骑虎难下!!!
新移民确实不容易, 一切需要重新来过. 在这里不尽人意, 食之无味, 弃之可惜, 颇难选择.
但是贱贱还是相信, 总该尝试过后再言悔. 文中的老兄正是如此.
贱贱还相信, 人的心态是对各种事物看法的重要因素. 杯子是半空或半满也就是不同的心态而已. :)
最初由 小贱贱 发布

What puzzles me is the endless whining. The way I see it is simple
Canada is not a perfect country, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to just give it a chance? Otherwise why bother staying here at all?

Well, firstly, just like you do, I don’t like people who just keep complaining his own bad situation without trying to change it. But, for some new immigrants, I do understand their feelings, cause they did try hard but failed for the various reasons which beyond their control.

Life changed dramatically before and after immigration, and usually people who keep whining most are those who are middle aged and whose career is at the most critical point, they did take the “wrong bus” to come over here for their own decisions, but why? Some of them are for their kids future, some of them just felt bored when they worked in China, some of them want to change their life style, some of them may just want to get a Canadian citizenship, some of them like the beautiful natural environment of Canada, and some of them, may be, is coming to pursue the “freedom and democratic”. Well, for whatever reasons, to immigrant to another country is a big decision for everyone, and before actually landing here, everyone would vision a beautiful life in Canada, but under-estimated the difficulties they would face here, not only physically but mentally. By comparing the life in China, , some of them do feel unbalance, and no one can deny that China is changing so fast, so many opportunities emerged that made so many people wealth these years, while Canada does not.
Just like it’s a big decision to immigrate here, it’s also a critical decision to move back or not. You can’t say that you don’t like here then go back to China, because they paid too much to get to this point, whatever it’s a mistake or right decision.

I think it’s hard for you to understand the tough life of a new immigrant, and you don’t have to, but one thing for sure is Canada is not as good as you feel to many new immigrants, although, most of us are still keep trying to create the bright future for us wherever in Canada or in China.

Well, for whatever reasons, to immigrant to another country is a big decision for everyone, and before actually landing here, everyone would vision a beautiful life in Canada, but under-estimated the difficulties they would face here, not only physically but mentally. By comparing the life in China, , some of them do feel unbalance, and no one can deny that China is changing so fast, so many opportunities emerged that made so many people wealth these years, while Canada does not.
Just like it’s a big decision to immigrate here, it’s also a critical decision to move back or not. You can’t say that you don’t like here then go back to China, because they paid too much to get to this point, whatever it’s a mistake or right decision.

I think it’s hard for you to understand the tough life of a new immigrant, and you don’t have to, but one thing for sure is Canada is not as good as you feel to many new immigrants, although, most of us are still keep trying to create the bright future for us wherever in Canada or in China. [/B][/QUOTE]


不错! 就是这样。:cool:

有失落,也有希望,好像是: 迷茫 + 等待 + 吃苦 + 勤奋 + 对未来充满“希望“ 。。。

即使目前生活不易,也只能这样“扛“ 着!都不容易阿!

最初由 小贱贱 发布
hinchey: I appreciate your reply! And you are probably right in saying that many immigrants come here in the pursuit for a more stable (or better in a simplest way of saying) life.

What puzzles me is the endless whining. The way I see it is simple (then again, maybe I'm not old enough to have to consider all, but bear with me): if you don't like this country, go after the "other" stuff that excites you! You don't HAVE TO stay in this country, and yes you do have that choice. Why stay here if you hate every minute of it? It is beyond my wildest imagination, hence the "I don't understand" phrase.

Coming to Canada is a choice for many new immigrants, and with choice comes consequences. While many immigrants face the initial hardship with courage and grace, some, not many but some with a loud voice, keep whining! Instead of facing the choice they made like a mature person, all they could do is criticizing everything that this country has been offering. Their eyes are blinded by the "glamour" they used to enjoy in China, however totally forget what made them to make the decision to come here in the first place.

Canada is not a perfect country, but don't you think you owe it to yourself to just give it a chance? Otherwise why bother staying here at all?

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

I remember the similar discussion before but would add a little bit more here.

I am in my late thirties and have gone through all this and that kind of initial frustration/challenge period which is similar for all new immigrants; and I made my own decision of immigrating to this country. What I have observed and seen from my Chinese fellows including myself is mostly a promising picture of working hard and harder to improve on our conditions in Canada.

The common problem facing our Chinese people including myself is that we are so good at comparisons; and we always would like to have both the good things in China and the good things in Canada, which is understandable but can never be realized. Therefore, here comes so many whinings and complaints. Yes, it is true that the first generation of our Chinese people including myself can probably never be 100% compatible with the Canadian main society due to the social culture and language issues. This will definitely have a series of impacts on the career path we choose because it is up to us to adapt to this country but not the other way around.

I have no regrets about my original decision to immigrate here. I would have been "somebody" if I went back to China with PhD many years ago like several of my old classmates did. I enjoy the peace, quietness, the overall social environment, and my daily life here even though I am "nobody" here. Why would I still have such pride and confidence? The reason is quite simple: I know that we can only have one side of the good things but not both.

Beware of what you are here (Canada) or there (China) for and enjoy the life anywhere!
wasser, I love you :love::love::love:
最初由 Rabbit 发布
wasser, I love you :love::love::love:

呵呵,me too:love: :love: :love:
The neighbour's grass is always green than mine.
最初由 wasser 发布

邪老的支持让wasser感动,就事论事,呵呵。:) :) :)

最初由 wasser 发布

邪老的支持让wasser感动,就事论事,呵呵。:) :) :)

谢他不谢我:eek: 有意见 :( 要求吃饭要求吃饭 :banana::banana::banana:
Exactly, but why? :confused::D

最初由 KuCaiHua 发布
The neighbour's grass is always green than mine.