最初由 Stefanie 发布
还是Sean Mama 熟悉地形, 地方选得很好,希望妈妈们都来参加. 13号见. 下面是聚会地点 (谢谢Sean Mama的建议.)
在停车场北面的小山坡碰头吧。那里有两张野餐桌子。这个小山坡的北面是湖,湖的北面是风车。这个风车每个人都会看见。也就是说这个小山坡正对着湖和风车,VIEW 很好,也很好找。而且谁的车到了,在山坡山基本看得见。
最初由 anyone8chatroom 发布
yes,i think i just realized that my brain have been used up on my baby already, can not think straight most of time since, haha,I definite need those mom to rescue me,hehe,,, thanks lot anyway. By the way, which inter-section should i use to enter on 13th? Holly Acres and Carling?