Thursday » November 14 » 2002
Marks possibly from Chinese treatment
Welts on neck of man's slain wife not consistent with similar treatment
Jake Rupert
The Ottawa Citizen ({8FECF49E-4C90-4038-9159-E25802D01676}
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Most of the marks found on Yongsheng Liu's neck and chest after he was arrested for his wife's death are consistent with a form of traditional Chinese medical treatment for a cold, a jury heard yesterday.
However, Dr. Mary Wu told the court another mark in the middle of Mr. Liu's chest was not consistent with the treatment.
"It looks like a nail scraping or a scrape with a tool," the doctor said while viewing a picture of Mr. Liu taken after his arrest.
Mr. Liu, 37, who is charged with first-degree murder, stands accused of raping and killing his wife Fengzhi Huang, 36.
The defence has told the jury the police showed tunnel vision in their investigation, and the evidence is well short of what is needed for a criminal conviction.
Ms. Huang was found strangled in the Kanata couple's bed on Feb. 29, 2000. Testimony at trial revealed Ms. Huang was having an affair with a work colleague at the time she was killed, and that the couple fought and were having problems with their marriage.
Ms. Huang's lover, Glen Glover, has testified he didn't think Mr. Liu knew about his affair with Ms. Huang.
Dr. Wu was also shown pictures of Ms. Huang's body taken at the autopsy. Dr. Wu said the large red welts on Ms. Huang's neck were clearly not caused by the traditional treatment, but that two smaller marks on her neck were.
The marks and how they got there are important because in a police interview that has been played for the jury, Mr. Liu tells the officers he and his wife made the marks on each other as a treatment for a cold they were both suffering from.
In the video, it is not clear which marks Mr. Liu is talking about: the small treatment marks; or the large welts.
After Ms. Huang's body was found, Mr. Liu was taken to the hospital because he was having chest pains. Yesterday, the doctor who examined Mr. Liu testified the patient wasn't suffering cardiac problems.
Instead, Dr. Christopher Nussbaum diagnosed Mr. Liu as having a typical "grief stress reaction."
The trial continues today.
© Copyright 2002 The Ottawa Citizen
Marks possibly from Chinese treatment
Welts on neck of man's slain wife not consistent with similar treatment
Jake Rupert
The Ottawa Citizen ({8FECF49E-4C90-4038-9159-E25802D01676}
Thursday, November 14, 2002
Most of the marks found on Yongsheng Liu's neck and chest after he was arrested for his wife's death are consistent with a form of traditional Chinese medical treatment for a cold, a jury heard yesterday.
However, Dr. Mary Wu told the court another mark in the middle of Mr. Liu's chest was not consistent with the treatment.
"It looks like a nail scraping or a scrape with a tool," the doctor said while viewing a picture of Mr. Liu taken after his arrest.
Mr. Liu, 37, who is charged with first-degree murder, stands accused of raping and killing his wife Fengzhi Huang, 36.
The defence has told the jury the police showed tunnel vision in their investigation, and the evidence is well short of what is needed for a criminal conviction.
Ms. Huang was found strangled in the Kanata couple's bed on Feb. 29, 2000. Testimony at trial revealed Ms. Huang was having an affair with a work colleague at the time she was killed, and that the couple fought and were having problems with their marriage.
Ms. Huang's lover, Glen Glover, has testified he didn't think Mr. Liu knew about his affair with Ms. Huang.
Dr. Wu was also shown pictures of Ms. Huang's body taken at the autopsy. Dr. Wu said the large red welts on Ms. Huang's neck were clearly not caused by the traditional treatment, but that two smaller marks on her neck were.
The marks and how they got there are important because in a police interview that has been played for the jury, Mr. Liu tells the officers he and his wife made the marks on each other as a treatment for a cold they were both suffering from.
In the video, it is not clear which marks Mr. Liu is talking about: the small treatment marks; or the large welts.
After Ms. Huang's body was found, Mr. Liu was taken to the hospital because he was having chest pains. Yesterday, the doctor who examined Mr. Liu testified the patient wasn't suffering cardiac problems.
Instead, Dr. Christopher Nussbaum diagnosed Mr. Liu as having a typical "grief stress reaction."
The trial continues today.
© Copyright 2002 The Ottawa Citizen