








最初由 自在随缘 发布








哇 , 慢 慢 来 , 一 下 子 这 么 多 问 题 , 怎 么 答 你 。 。 。 :D
我 没 在 国 内 生 过 , 但 我 相 信 这 里 生 一 定 会 好 一 些 。 护 士 医 生 非 常 友 好 可 爱 。 。 。 你 是 加 籍 人 士 , 在 国 内 生 的 小 孩 也 是 加 拿 大 人 , 但 怎 样 从 国 内 申 请 不 是 很 清 楚 。

怀 胎 是 9 个 月 了 , 这 里 很 多 大 龄 妈 妈 , 40 生 的 都 有 。 我 很 好 奇 , 你 是 不 是 年 轻 的 准 妈 妈 ? :) 生 孩 子 没 有 那 么 恐 怖 , 你 若 怕 疼 就 打 麻 醉 药 (epidural), 打 完 了 很 轻 松 就 可 以 生 BB 了 。 能 顺 产 最 好 , 恢 复 也 快 , 特 殊 情 况 需 要 破 腹 产 也 没 办 法 , 但 复 员 比 较 久 一 点 。

孕 期 请 保 持 营 养 丰 富 , 远 离 烟 酒 药 物 。 你 在 吃 叶 酸 (folic acid) 吗 ?

其 它 疑 问 , 请 参 考 本 论 坛 的 精 华 区 和 置 顶 的 帖 子 。

Good luck...
Re: Re: 问下关于生小孩和怀孕?谢谢!

最初由 Victoria 发布

哇 , 慢 慢 来 , 一 下 子 这 么 多 问 题 , 怎 么 答 你 。 。 。 :D
我 没 在 国 内 生 过 , 但 我 相 信 这 里 生 一 定 会 好 一 些 。 护 士 医 生 非 常 友 好 可 爱 。 。 。 你 是 加 籍 人 士 , 在 国 内 生 的 小 孩 也 是 加 拿 大 人 , 但 怎 样 从 国 内 申 请 不 是 很 清 楚 。

怀 胎 是 9 个 月 了 , 这 里 很 多 大 龄 妈 妈 , 40 生 的 都 有 。 我 很 好 奇 , 你 是 不 是 年 轻 的 准 妈 妈 ? :) 生 孩 子 没 有 那 么 恐 怖 , 你 若 怕 疼 就 打 麻 醉 药 (epidural), 打 完 了 很 轻 松 就 可 以 生 BB 了 。 能 顺 产 最 好 , 恢 复 也 快 , 特 殊 情 况 需 要 破 腹 产 也 没 办 法 , 但 复 员 比 较 久 一 点 。

孕 期 请 保 持 营 养 丰 富 , 远 离 烟 酒 药 物 。 你 在 吃 叶 酸 (folic acid) 吗 ?

其 它 疑 问 , 请 参 考 本 论 坛 的 精 华 区 和 置 顶 的 帖 子 。

Good luck...

:D 不好意思! 因为我已经92岁了! 哈倒过来念! 所以心里有些着急啊!
年 轻 的 准 妈 妈 是什么?我已经结婚了,但还没生孕,算是准妈妈吗?

打麻药会不会对胎儿有坏的影响? 想生个健康的宝宝娃!嘻嘻!


Re: Re: Re: 问下关于生小孩和怀孕?谢谢!

最初由 自在随缘 发布

:D 不好意思! 因为我已经92岁了! 哈倒过来念! 所以心里有些着急啊!
年 轻 的 准 妈 妈 是什么?我已经结婚了,但还没生孕,算是准妈妈吗?

打麻药会不会对胎儿有坏的影响? 想生个健康的宝宝娃!嘻嘻!



别 “您” 了 , 我 比 你 还 小 呢 , 呵 呵 , 不 敢 当 啊 。 。 。

准 妈 妈 就 是 已 经 怀 孕 了 的 未 来 妈 妈 。 :D

这 个 麻 药 不 会 影 响 BB 的 。 建 议 你 看 What To Expect When You Are Expecting 这 本 书 。

关 于 叶 酸 , 请 看 以 下 两 个 帖 子


:D 小妹你好!那我现在还不算准妈妈累!:D 多谢你了!

能分享你的一些生孕感受吗? 谢谢!
I'm 30 yrs old now and my son is 7 months old. I was 29 when I pregnant. It;s the right time for you now.
最初由 dinosean 发布
I'm 30 yrs old now and my son is 7 months old. I was 29 when I pregnant. It;s the right time for you now.

but I don't have any experience and don't know any knowledge yet. There are so much to learn. :crying:
最初由 自在随缘 发布

but I don't have any experience and don't know any knowledge yet. There are so much to learn. :crying:

慢慢来吧.:) 不是每个人都会的,边做边学也可以.:p

决定要宝宝时最好有心理准备,有了宝宝之后你的生活就不像过二人世界那麽爽了,喜欢去哪就去哪,整天要围着宝宝转,宝宝不生病就好,要是生病全家都累.不过有失也有得,可以体会到什麽是母爱,看着宝宝慢慢长大你会很开心的.如果双方都有心理准备决定要BB,那就顺其自然罗,也不用过于紧张,计划怀孕当然好,但是有很多人都是意外怀孕的,所以你比他们要好很多.:) 记得补充叶酸就行了,例如每天1颗Materna.



Re: Re: Re: 问下关于生小孩和怀孕?谢谢!

最初由 自在随缘 发布

:D 不好意思! 因为我已经92岁了! 哈倒过来念! 所以心里有些着急啊!
年 轻 的 准 妈 妈 是什么?我已经结婚了,但还没生孕,算是准妈妈吗?

打麻药会不会对胎儿有坏的影响? 想生个健康的宝宝娃!嘻嘻!



Don't worry, I'm the same age too. If you have baby after 35, there will be tons of additional "checkup" you have to go through and some quite painful and scary.

The epidural only has very little effect to baby. My baby was induced by medicine with epidural, so he was very very sleepy when he was born and at the begining, he had hard time keeping himself awake to eat, but that went away after a few days.

Giving birth isn't scary at all coz you won't see it anyways. It only looks scary on the video. With epidural, there's like no pain. I didn't even know my baby was already "out" when I gave birth and I was still asking the doctor if I should push again.

叶酸 can be absorbed from dark green vegetables, but you can also buy those pills from drug store and take one pill every day. Yahoo News said last year that green tea will reduce level of 叶酸 absorbed, so maybe drink less green tea if you are planning for pregnancy.
I have different opinion. the doctors and nurses here are really very nice but they are not so prefessional and experienced as i believe. I just had a misscarriage and i really hate the medical system here. every time you go to hospital you need wait and wait. even i'm very painful i still need to wait a long time in the emergency room. that's a miserable experience for me i my life. I'm 35 now and my son is already 8 years old. my miscarriage for my second baby is unexpected for me.of course your case is different from me. you are still not late for having a baby.if you pregency is going smoothly is ok and good to deliver a baby here.but if something unexpected happen, it's really bad. the medical system here is really damed. the hospital did nothing for you just let you wait untill you are very painful and in danger.I'm not kidding. before i got miscarriage, i feel painful and had a small bleeding i went to hospital twice and wait a few hours there.the doctor just did nothing for me. last tiem i had a big bleeding and very painful then the hospital accept me and I still wait for a long time before my operation. and my first operation failed then i went to hospital 5 times check and check and had another operation. I'm ok now but i lost lots of blood and I need long time to recover.
I'm not scaring you because I believe you will have a good pregency precess. but nobody can guarantee. if something unexpected happens, the medical system here is not very heplful.
the another problem is if you delieve baby here and your husband is busy, you need somebody to take care of. this must be very tired for your husband.it's hadr to find a good nanny and it's very ecpensive.i believe you and your husband are both not so experienced to rake care of a baby because it's your first baby.in this case, you really need help especially for you_"zuo yue zi". that's really hard for a huaband.

for my opinion, if your huaband is working or studying and your parents can not come here to tare care of you, it's will be very hard for you both. ,maybe you can not have a good rest after deliver a baby. you huaband will be very tired.If you have any healthy problem, don;t rely on the doctors here. they just let you wait.a normal untrosound check you ned to wait for a week.even in emergency you still need to wait.many of my friends have such painfur ecperiences as me.i want to have my second
baby in China but I can not because I both my husband and me are working and my son need to stay with me. so i plan to hire a nanny if i delieve my second baby here.My mom is a doctor in china and every time I have problem i just ask my mom and her friends because the doctor here always can't give help to me.
I'm not suggest you to go back to china to have a baby.I just tell you my experience and you should discuss with your husband. having a baby here is also a challenge for him. because he needs to do everything, cooking, washing, taking the baby.it's ecpensive to have a nanny even part-time.yo can use this money to deliver a baby in china.I know china's hospital has some problems but you can find help from your parnts and your friends.you have your social relations there.
My son was born in china and I lived here for a few years if let me decide, I perfer to deliver a baby in china.

no matter in canada or in china, wish you have a healthy baby in the future.