精华 San Francisco, California!

(17) Across the deep waters of the Golden Gate Stait, the bridge links San Francisco to the north
shores of the Bay Area.
Four years of construction, cost of $35 million, opened May-28-1937, Golden Gate Bridge is one of the
most famous architectures in the world.
(18) Carrying 40 million vehicle crossings per year, Golden Gate Bridge stands tall and strong since 69 years ago,
it spans 2700M over the Golden Gate Stait, 67M high above the deep cold water (130M deep), truly a modern architectural marvel.
The bridge is the most famous landmark in this historic and culturally significant city.
(19) One more picture for it's one of the top 10, 20, or whatever World Famous Architectures.
(Golden Gate Bridge, Mar 12 2006)
(20) It's been 69 years, they still toll for crossing the bridge!
(21) Downtown's terrible traffic. San Francisco / Mar 12 2006
(22) San Francisco City Hall, the dome building to the left.
It's said SF's architectures are pretty good, a big tour attraction.
Well, didn't have the time, see you next time San Francisco!