
最初由 Rabbit 发布

要不要我帮你一把,把你的帖子打个包送给他:blink:扶你上驴,蹄一脚,送一程 :D:D:D

最初由 abby 发布

这段短短的故事真够 touching heart。 可遇不可求,让人羡慕.
I'm going to be laied off, I am not as optimistic as you guys, some of my friends have stayed home without any job for about 1 year after being laid off.I don't understand how come you guys have good mood? Maybe you have large deposites in banks.

Strange !
刚刚看完14号的The Ottawa Citizen, F 版--------After Nortel's crash,~~~Six Laid-off workers tell their stories.
感觉到心里的沉重,更被其中一个在Nortel工作了24年的人所震撼,他曾经part-time开校车,后来经过严格筛选和培训,现在成为OC Transpo的司机……
另一个说:If I had to advise people being laid off, I would encourage them to try some new experienc and to look outsid of what they have done in the pase. It's important to look at your skill s and what you want from life and formulate what you do from there. In the short term, I can't see high tech turning around so why rest your immediate future on something coming back that may take years? Anyway, historically things don't go back to what they were like before. So, I would say to them: Look at the world as being different and give up the idea of having the same comfort level you had when you were at Nortel. Your world has changed.---------这话说的悲壮,又恳切。
Welcome to the club buddy! :D

最初由 Saturday 发布
被lay off 了,尽管是份并不喜欢的part time job,还是在家郁闷了2天。昨天出去走走,有雨后清新的空气,有绿草,有陌生的路人对我说”你好“---- 加拿大是一个美丽而和善的国家。打起精神今天开始找工作并申请EI.;)
最初由 丫丫 发布
刚刚看完14号的The Ottawa Citizen, F 版--------After Nortel's crash,~~~Six Laid-off workers tell their stories.
感觉到心里的沉重,更被其中一个在Nortel工作了24年的人所震撼,他曾经part-time开校车,后来经过严格筛选和培训,现在成为OC Transpo的司机……
另一个说:If I had to advise people being laid off, I would encourage them to try some new experienc and to look outsid of what they have done in the pase. It's important to look at your skill s and what you want from life and formulate what you do from there. In the short term, I can't see high tech turning around so why rest your immediate future on something coming back that may take years? Anyway, historically things don't go back to what they were like before. So, I would say to them: Look at the world as being different and give up the idea of having the same comfort level you had when you were at Nortel. Your world has changed.---------这话说的悲壮,又恳切。
最初由 丫丫 发布
刚刚看完14号的The Ottawa Citizen, F 版--------After Nortel's crash,~~~Six Laid-off workers tell their stories.
感觉到心里的沉重,更被其中一个在Nortel工作了24年的人所震撼,他曾经part-time开校车,后来经过严格筛选和培训,现在成为OC Transpo的司机……
另一个说:If I had to advise people being laid off, I would encourage them to try some new experienc and to look outsid of what they have done in the pase. It's important to look at your skill s and what you want from life and formulate what you do from there. In the short term, I can't see high tech turning around so why rest your immediate future on something coming back that may take years? Anyway, historically things don't go back to what they were like before. So, I would say to them: Look at the world as being different and give up the idea of having the same comfort level you had when you were at Nortel. Your world has changed.---------这话说的悲壮,又恳切。

十月14日那周的TIME有一篇文章”Will Manager for Food"讲了很多类似的故事,看了让人伤心。
This is North America

When economy is booming, you work 12 hrs a day 6- 7 days a week. You have no life. when economy is in downturn ( not in recession yet), you either are laid off or worry about layoff. You still have no life. Guys love challenges go for it. I don't like it. I have been through early 90s recession in Downunder which was worst recession after War II all over western countries. It was not like this. Canada still call its economy is good except telcommunocation sector. imagine bad day comes one day. I have met a few profesionals doing painting and other construction labour work many years since early 90s recession then come back to their field to start at entry level in 2000 hot job market.

Life is never be mentioned easy. It's got to be up and down. try your guys luck.

Canada only has good name bot not good life.

PS: US don't even has good name except some no-brained Chinese.
最初由 Saturday 发布
被lay off 了,尽管是份并不喜欢的part time job,还是在家郁闷了2天。昨天出去走走,有雨后清新的空气,有绿草,有陌生的路人对我说”你好“---- 加拿大是一个美丽而和善的国家。打起精神今天开始找工作并申请EI.;)

More and more people are getting pink paper in the past months. Almost all of us the Chinese immigrants sooner or later have or will encounter this normal career distress in our life. It seems to me that it is part of the normal life in North America. It is not a good feeling for any of us.

Your posting shows positive and passion for life. That is the attitude to go (much better than whining. HeHeHe!). I hope that all Chinese people have such attitude towards any lay-offs and any other frustrations in this new land.