精华 谁用过防止妊娠纹的CREAM?

我是从怀孕第四个月开始用的,在市中心一个购物中心买的,也不贵,十多块钱,上面标的成份都是全天然的,后来断货了,所以后两三个月改用了很多超市都有的PALMER'S COCOA BUTTER。
我生完孩子没有妊娠纹,个人认为除了CREAM 外,主要是我怀孕时没有吃过多的营养,所以孩子生下来时不大 ,不过现在她一岁半了,个头看起来像两岁半的孩子:)


Pentaxyl, a powerful new cosmeceutical that helps reduce the signs of aging, features an advanced formula that penetrates into the fine layers of skin for maximum results. The ingredients have been shown in clinical studies to significantly reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, increase skin firmness and thickness, improve skin discoloration and hydration and even improve skin texture and color. Regular use of Pentaxyl will leave you with a clean, vibrant and more youthful look without injections or surgery. Visible results can be seen within a few weeks.
Thank you! Do you think if it is effective to reduce the stretch mark?
最初由 lily603 发布
Thank you! Do you think if it is effective to reduce the stretch mark?
