You can also check the listings on GrapeVine ( . For the private listings on GrapeVine, without buyer agent, you have more power on price negotiation. Be cautious on signing any contract with agent, unless you absoutely want a agent. Once contract signed, you are obligated to buy house only through this agent for sth like 3 months. You do have a choice to sign a contract with agent only on a particular property, but have to be clearly indicated on the contract. Buyer agent will tell you it is seller who will pay the commision fee, and you will get their service for free. But do you believe it? The sellers sure have their bottom line. If they have to adding the cost to pay the agents, you are loosing your room for price negotiation.... Most likely both seller and buyer are paying big money for agents' "useful" service... In old days, I could appreciate their services, but nowdays with internet, they appear too expensive... In the near future, you will see agents will be on sale. They will be forced to lower their commision fees to survive.