sir or madam, dirty words come out of mouth so that one's body and soul is cleansed of dirtiness;as face is part of body, it is also cleansed clean. 丢中国人的脸 did not happen. even if that happens, only 丢中国人的脸 before 中国人 does not matter. 脸 is not very important.
thanks. i am innocent. who put a jap flag on my id? can u show how to change it?
do u really care? japs, a nation of mice? no, u cannot say that. we might share a common ancestor. why care about a flag? heard the story of a wolf in sheep skin? even some are under chinese flag, they are not as good as japs. my grandpa fought the japanese invaders, sometimes in jap army uniforms to deceive the invaders.
they keep dirty words in their stomachs. that is why you call them 虚伪. saying dirty words out loud is good for health just as passing gas out of the body.