基督徒白宫前跪祈 吁制止中共迫 害 法 轮 功

最初由 markatottawa 发布


最初由 markatottawa 发布



this way it becomes meaningless. i can give my home address to u. u r welcome to come when u r hungry. i will be 行动的巨人, 言语的矮子.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

can a person without much 综合处理运算能力 feel god? people have diferent levels of 能力 or intelligence. do they feel god at different levels?
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

this way it becomes meaningless. i can give my home address to u. u r welcome to come when u r hungry. i will be 行动的巨人, 言语的矮子.

最初由 roaring mouse 发布

this way it becomes meaningless. i can give my home address to u. u r welcome to come when u r hungry. i will be 行动的巨人, 言语的矮子.

sorry,i didnt realize the real meaning in ur reply,i thought u were one of those...but yea,i appologize

have a good one;)
最初由 markatottawa 发布


why u want to see 照片 of a mouse? we have no photographers.

u will be guranteed the foods u ask. they r all favorites for mouse:
花生米 and 鱼片干?

make sure when u come, do not bring a cat.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

why u want to see 照片 of a mouse? we have no photographers.

u will be guranteed the foods u ask. they r all favorites for mouse:
花生米 and 鱼片干?

make sure when u come, do not bring a cat.

最初由 markatottawa 发布


i am serious. if u really r hungry, u r more than welcome to come for a lunch or super or a snack though we see the world differently.

i met a woman in hawaii whose father used to be among the most powerful in China. she went to Australia without much money in the late 80s (her father must not be a so-called tan guan). she begged for work from one restaurant to another. two years later she ended up in hawaii on a fellowship and now is a professor in us. she was our frequent lunch guest though we had different views almost on everything.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

i am serious. if u really r hungry, u r more than welcome to come for a lunch or super or a snack though we see the world differently.

i met a woman in hawaii whose father used to be among the most powerful in China. she went to Australia without much money in the late 80s (her father must not be a so-called tan guan). she begged for work from one restaurant to another. two years later she ended up in hawaii on a fellowship and now is a professor in us. she was our frequent lunch guest though we had different views almost on everything.

the woman could not use her father's last name when she left China.

This is the book she was working on when I first met her.

"The Culture of Power: The Lin Biao Incident in the Cultural Revolution'
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

i am serious. if u really r hungry, u r more than welcome to come for a lunch or super or a snack though we see the world differently.

i met a woman in hawaii whose father used to be among the most powerful in China. she went to Australia without much money in the late 80s (her father must not be a so-called tan guan). she begged for work from one restaurant to another. two years later she ended up in hawaii on a fellowship and now is a professor in us. she was our frequent lunch guest though we had different views almost on everything.

it's cool to have different opinions though as long as they don't play those little nasty tricky shit, and it's essential to have some pride and sense of honor for being an ordinary person. without those traits,i wouldn't even bother talking to such people,know what i'm sayin
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

the woman could not use her father's last name when she left China.

This is the book she was working on when I first met her.

"The Culture of Power: The Lin Biao Incident in the Cultural Revolution'

something about her from the world wide web:

The author brings unique credentials to her reexamination of the incident. She is the daughter of the former commander-in-chief of the Chinese air force, who served under Lin and, along with thousands of others, was imprisoned as a result of the purges that followed Lin’s death. For this book, she has drawn upon her father’s unpublished memoirs, interviews with former high government officials and their families, and her own experience and acquaintances among the government’s elite families, as well as an abundance of newly available documents. The book reexplores three key questions surrounding the Lin Biao incident: Why would Lin, the brilliant architect of pivotal victories in the Civil War who had been doggedly loyal to Mao for decades, suddenly attempt an ill-conceived coup? Why, when the alleged coup failed, would he defect to the Soviet Union? And why and how did Lin’s plane crash?
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

the woman could not use her father's last name when she left China.

This is the book she was working on when I first met her.

"The Culture of Power: The Lin Biao Incident in the Cultural Revolution'

ok...so the point is she hates the chinese government or what
最初由 markatottawa 发布

ok...so the point is she hates the chinese government or what

I do not think so. You have to love the forgiving human heart. Many suffered during the cultural revolution, including my family and they chose not to be bitter against anyone. hatred is an evil that devours everyone.
最初由 roaring mouse 发布

I do not think so. You have to love the forgiving human heart. Many suffered during the cultural revolution, including my family and they chose not to be bitter against anyone. hatred is an evil that devours everyone.


may force be with you.
anyways,my point is some people/organizations overated the negative effects the chinese government brought to the public or to a small group of people, and that's alrite, cuz people should have the right to talk about their thinkings...BUT,if this was taken advantage by those political power or for other stupid and despicable reasons,i really hate it....just look at F LG,how could they even take advantage of a little girl and to achieve their dirty "public known" objective...

i believe there are alot thinkings either organized or un-organized are like that out there,so this even makes it worse for those who actually want to contribute their valuable idea to the development of china,i am not sure if you were the one who really wants to do something to help us chinese community or the one just keeps talking craps and to do nothing...for the former one,i've got alot respect and love,otherwise i just don't give a sh!t
