xiaomage, please delete all my posts!


My quiet Saturday evening was gravely disturbed by two long distance calls, telling me that you have deleted their posts with non-sensible justifications. Good for you, dude. This is, after all, your forum and you can do whatever you deem fit. You don't have to provide any justification. I did not read what my friends wrote and I can't care less! I dictate how I want to spend my spare time. So does everyone else, my friends included!

As stated in my first post, I came here to seek likewise minds with similar interests/hobbies. The moment I felt that my intensions were not well served, I wanted out, taking away with me my posts. You did not allow me to do so. I posted a request and you did not respect my request --- with a reply. This is my third time requesting that you delete all the posts I initiated. I highly confidently trust you have the decency to respect my humble request this time around.

We are all human beings and accordingly, inevitably biased. My way or no way is what I very much appreciate, dude!

Thank you very much for respecting my request.

Until next time,


Does it mean it is the two long distance calls that brought you back to this forum?
And you don't need to mean it was long distance call as we all know if there was a call, it should have been coming from Washington. If you set things up, don't try to make it too perfect.

If there's somebody spitting here, that's you.

A request is a request. Refusing doesn't mean disrepect.
My fella,

Not only was your quiet Saturday disturbed by your friend but others'...

Non sensible? Ask her WHEN I deleted her posts? Maybe you would say you don't care, but I do have your friend's masterpiece for your perusal. No worry, I am not requesting you to take responsibility for your friends' behaviours in this forum. The forum is a place for free speech, but not for nasty words. Biased? You shall know in this incident, what was deleted these days actually doesn’t only include her posts.

Nobody shall get special treatment, nor do those who think they are special.

I didn't delete your posts upon your request because I had to respect others' work and contribution in their replies to your posts. This was truly a dilemma for me at that time. The only solution for me to help was, to pick out your individual posts and delete one by one, which would cost a lot of time. My whole family, including myself, was ill until this week. That hampered me from sitting down and doing it right away for you last week.

Actually at first I intended to ask you simply go to your post and clear your content. Well, tonight, you do get my treat, man. I spent over 40 minutes to accomplish the job by deleting your posts only and restoring other people’s works.

I regret of the awkward fact today. But I do wish you enjoy your peaceful life. Thanks a lot for your contribution to our forum. Good luck!

最初由 枫都书叟 发布
My quiet Saturday evening was gravely disturbed by two long distance calls, telling me that you have deleted their posts with non-sensible justifications. Good for you, dude. This is, after all, your forum and you can do whatever you deem fit. You don't have to provide any justification. I did not read what my friends wrote and I can't care less! I dictate how I want to spend my spare time. So does everyone else, my friends included!

As stated in my first post, I came here to seek likewise minds with similar interests/hobbies. The moment I felt that my intensions were not well served, I wanted out, taking away with me my posts. You did not allow me to do so. I posted a request and you did not respect my request --- with a reply. This is my third time requesting that you delete all the posts I initiated. I highly confidently trust you have the decency to respect my humble request this time around.

We are all human beings and accordingly, inevitably biased. My way or no way is what I very much appreciate, dude!

Thank you very much for respecting my request.

Until next time,

枫都书叟: it is not the admin's responsibility to "manage" your own content. Don't forget the "POOP & SCOOP" rule!

写已经写了, 贴已经贴了, 大多数人都已经读过了. 我也删过贴, 我当时的心情糟糕到了极点 ― 只希望马上搬出这个城市, 不要让别人知道我写过这个帖子. 现在想想删了也不表示你没写, 没贴. 看的出你现在比我当时好得多得多. :D 我想事情也许已经过去了, 大家都应该笑起来! :)
大自然的春天已经来了, 希望你寻找的春天离你的生活不会太远! :)


update posting_ set content="deleted" where userid=59553 and forumid=56;





最初由 枫都书叟 发布
<snip>, telling me that you have deleted their posts with non-sensible justifications. <snip> You don't have to provide any justification. I did not read what my friends wrote and I can't care less! <snip>

这位同学连被删的原文都没读就说人家 non-sensible justification 了吗?

最初由 笑言 发布

我来挑些骨头,我认为是"并不是这两条",如果不犯两条,也不会有"众怒"一说,芙蓉JJ会让人怒吗? 我看多半不会,顶多是让人狂:lol:加狂:wotu:罢了
xiaomage 没删干净哦. 拜山贴里还有千里马同学吩咐作家老大给他打字的一贴.

其实不删也好, 笑老大可以拿它当张J票... ... :D
最初由 开喜 发布
xiaomage 没删干净哦. 拜山贴里还有千里马同学吩咐作家老大给他打字的一贴.

其实不删也好, 笑老大可以拿它当张J票... ... :D
版主不容易呀, 时刻关注网坛动态, 无双休, 无假期, 任劳任怨 :cool: :cool: :cool: !
最初由 胖蹄阿克 发布


岂敢. 我不是说了么, 留着也好. 谁让他提鸿门宴的事来着. 我听见有关吃的事情就耳朵尖, 呵呵. ;)
最初由 开喜 发布

岂敢. 我不是说了么, 留着也好. 谁让他提鸿门宴的事来着. 我听见有关吃的事情就耳朵尖, 呵呵. ;)