
在外面卖的那些纸袋包装的花籽是不是真的可以种出花啊? 如果我想买些年年都开的花, 是不是应该买那些已经有根有枝的植物?
最初由 Beatiful Love 发布
在外面卖的那些纸袋包装的花籽是不是真的可以种出花啊? 如果我想买些年年都开的花, 是不是应该买那些已经有根有枝的植物?

年年都开的花是多年生的 (Perennials), 那些已经有根有枝的植物也有一年生的(Annuals). 买的时候要看清楚说明。多年生植物有很多第一年不开花,所以最好买盆栽的花苗,比从花籽开始种要快得多。
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: 你的garden有这花吗?

最初由 小傻 发布

In Dong Bei, 露天地下室 is also called Di Jiao :D For storing Bai Cai in winter :)

Nice flowers :cool:

In Dong Bei, it is also called Cai Jiao. :)
最初由 小傻 发布

Show show the deck in your backyard...I think I saw it before, NB as well:cool:

There is no deck in my backyard so far. We will build one like the following "soon" - and you please come and visit.
Attention XDJMs in as the time goes by, the above two seats at Tian Xie's home are reserved for Comrade Xiao Sha and Comrade Ling Dao--Yue Lai Yue Sha. :D Thanks!
最初由 快乐的天蝎 发布

There is no deck in my backyard so far. We will build one like the following "soon" - and you please come and visit.

Building a deck as shown in the picture is not a very big deal...
The big deal is to find a waterfront lot like the one shown in the picture...

I found one meself, right in the heart of Ottawa..the current owner asks for $x,xxx,xxx for the lot only...I wish I could win the lottery "soon" :D
最初由 小傻 发布
Building a deck as shown in the picture is not a very big deal...
The big deal is to find a waterfront lot like the one shown in the picture...


最初由 shusheng 发布



You know we are not ambitiou and greedy persons :D...It's all in my retirement plan - At that time,

We don't need to worry this and that;
Enough money in the bank account;no need to work 4 hours for mortgage, 2 hours for KRP family center everyday;
Kids are all independant, they visit us every now and then;
Weather permitting, we will visit TianXie's home, sit in our "reserved" seats on the deck, having a nice cup of tea discussing which country shall we visit next time...so on so forth...

Martin Luther King once said, "I Have A Dream" ...

Yes, I have a dream! :D
最初由 小傻 发布

You know we are not ambitiou and greedy persons :D...It's all in my retirement plan - At that time,

We don't need to worry this and that;
Enough money in the bank account;no need to work 4 hours for mortgage, 2 hours for KRP family center everyday;
Kids are all independant, they visit us every now and then;
Weather permitting, we will visit TianXie's home, sit in our "reserved" seats on the deck, having a nice cup of tea discussing which country shall we visit next time...so on so forth...

Martin Luther King once said, "I Have A Dream" ...

Yes, I have a dream! :D

your dream + Tax = your retirement
最初由 小傻 发布

Building a deck as shown in the picture is not a very big deal...
The big deal is to find a waterfront lot like the one shown in the picture...

It sounds that you don’t like the plan too much. :blowzy: :blowzy: :blowzy: Thank you for the nice comments. :) I would like to amend the earlier proposal of deck so as to make it more satisfying and enjoyable. :)

最初由 小傻 发布

I found one meself, right in the heart of Ottawa..the current owner asks for $x,xxx,xxx for the lot only...I wish I could win the lottery "soon" :D

It sounds so great.:cool: By the way, for the rate of the lot, I am pretty sure it is not US $ or Chinese Y, it is the “local currency” we spend “here”. :) I strongly believe that you will win it because I know the owner always treats everyone nicely. :) From your naked Big Golden teeth, I can read how you feel now ― full of confidence! :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
最初由 shusheng 发布



Your suggestion is so professional and at a very low cost!:cool: :cool: :cool:
最初由 shusheng 发布


最初由 小傻 发布

Weather permitting, we will visit TianXie's home, sit in our "reserved" seats on the deck, having a nice cup of tea discussing which country shall we visit next time...so on so forth...

Martin Luther King once said, "I Have A Dream" ...

Yes, I have a dream! :D

昨天, 在我向我的直接领导汇报了当日工作的同时, TA 也对我下达了TA的最高指示: 关于迎接小傻同志, 一定要尽一切可能的隆重! 就是贷款也要让小傻同志和领导满意! 我想: 我们肯定达不到迎接列宁同志的规模, 但是我们都会在心里把小傻同志视为列宁.:blowzy: