
谢谢GG的地图, 怎么报名里头没看见你和GS? :confused:
最初由 开喜 发布
谢谢GG的地图, 怎么报名里头没看见你和GS? :confused:

sorry OpenHappy, we'd love to go but really couldn't make it. Our flying HBD's will go with you and land on the tables when you enjoy the food. Open heart, happy happy :D:D
最初由 GreenGable 发布

i know you who la :D
你这个有语法错误,应该是 i know you are who la :blink:
最初由 AfterDie 发布

你这个有语法错误,应该是 i know you are who la :blink:

他那是完全的汉语口语译法,没错. 你谁呀? 反正我老这么说.
oh, too is, hehe
最初由 开喜 发布
明天中午的坎屯午饭团扩大会议: 到目前位置已经"报字"的有:

Bilderberg Group Meets in Kanata
Josh Pringle
Thursday, June 8, 2006

One of the world's most secretive and powerful societies is hosting its four day meeting in Kanata.

The Bilderberg group is meeting at the Brookstreet Hotel.

The group includes European royalty, national leaders, political power-brokers and heads of the world's biggest companies.

A press release says the meeting will deal with energy issues, Iran, the Middle East, Terrorism and Immigration.

The 2006 guest list includes CFCers 雨中花, 开喜, 书生, 仙子, 逆水, 苏美眉, Jingle, Maplecanada, PT, Groundzero, 闲逛, 歌后, and their assitants including David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of Holland, the heads of Coca-Cola, the Royal Bank of Canada and a number of media moguls.
最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布
Bilderberg Group Meets in Kanata
Josh Pringle
Thursday, June 8, 2006

:eek::buttrock: :buttrock: 路透社消息吧。

最初由 BobtheBuilder 发布
The 2006 guest list includes CFCers 雨中花, 开喜, 书生, 仙子, 逆水, 苏美眉, Jingle, Maplecanada, PT, Groundzero, 闲逛, 歌后, and their assitants including David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix of Holland, the heads of Coca-Cola, the Royal Bank of Canada and a number of media moguls.

BTB 你太可爱了... :lol: :lol2:
水足饭饱, 谢谢花政委的推荐和安排. :cool:

今天一下子见到这么多朋友高兴得要晕倒. 再和众美眉左拥右报... 开心喜悦得都找不着北喽... :D

谢谢赐饭的赐字的和赐礼物的. :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks: :thanks:





过生日这么开心, 我下个月再过一次阴历的吧... ... ;)
最初由 开喜 发布
再和众美眉左拥右报... 开心喜悦得都找不着北喽... :D

报名去同性恋 游行ba
最初由 wuwei 发布

报名去同性恋 游行ba

你这是嫉妒了... :lol: