


联系人:Catherine Zhu
电话:613 761-7440 分机208 或1-800-259-4482 Ext. 208

Are you a Newcomer to Canada?

Have you been in Canada for more than 9 months and less than 4 years? Would you like to tell us about your experiences as a newcomer?

The Province of Ontario and Citizenship and Immigration Canada would like to consult with you and other newcomers across the province on ways to help you and your family settle successfully in Ontario.
If selected, you will be invited to attend a 3-hour session in your area with other newcomers to tell your story about your life in Canada. Those who participate will receive $50.00 gift certificate.

Dates of Ottawa Focus Groups: July 5 and 14,2006
InterQuest Consulting is conducting these sessions For more information contact Catherine Zhu
E-mail: czhu@aravbridaemalkam.c:om
Telephone (in Ottawa): 613-761-7440 ext. 208 Toll free (outside ottawa): 1-800-259-4482 ext. 208

Fact Sheet
CANADA - ONTARIO IMMIGRATION AGREEMENT Consultations Seeking Input on the Development of Settlement and Language Training Strategies
What is the purpose of the consultations?
Over the next five years, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, in partnership with the
Government of Ontario, will invest $920 million in new funding for settlement and language training programs and services for newcomers to Ontario.

To identify any gaps between the needs of newcomers and the existing language and integration selVices offered, and to determine the best ways to deliver and measure the effectiveness of these services, InterQuest Consulting on behalf of the Governments of Canada and Ontario, will be conducting focus groups with newcomers, and stakeholder roundtables with organizations that deliver services to newcomers (such as language schools, settlement organizations, and others) across Ontario.

Who can attend a focus group?
For the newcomer sessions, we would like to hear from a wide cross section of landed immigrants or refugees (not refugee claimants) who have lived in Canada for more than nine (9) months and less than four (4) years. Most focus groups will be a wide mix of newcomers. A few sessions will be made up of only youth (aged 12~18), or only women, or only seniors (people who immigrated after age 50).
As well, to ensure that we have a good cross section from countries of origin, we will be seeking newcomers from Central and South America, Africa, Asia (Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran), the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Pacific area islands.
We will be contacting a wide range of organizations as we would like to hear from newcomers who do NOT use govemment-funded services as well as those who do (Le. ISAP, LING, HOST, NSP, ESL).
For the organization sessions, we would like to hear from both government-funded and community, educational, health, libraries, ethno-cultural, and faith based or other types of organizations that provide seNice$ to newcomers in Ontario. Note that only ONE representative per organization will be invited.

What happens at a focus group?
Each focus group will last about three and a half hours.
At a newcomer session, participants will be asked to share their ideas and experiences of what they needed when they first came to Canada, how those needs were met, who best met them, and how things could be improved, To thank newcomers for their participation, a $50 gift certificate for a focal store will be given directly to each newcomer at the end of the session.
At an organization session, participants will be asked to share their ideas about how existing services to newcomers could be improved, and what new services are required to meet newcomers' needs.
Note that all input provided by participants at the focus groups and organization sessions will be received on an anonymous basis, and only grouped data will be reported.

When and where will the focus groups take place and in what language? For newcomers:
. Wednesday, July 5: Ottawa (includes a bilingual session)
. Monday, July 10: Toronto
. Tuesday, July 11: Peel and York-Durham
. Wednesday, July 12: Thunder Bay
. Thursday, July 13: Sudbury (includes a bilingual session) and London . Friday, July 14: Ottawa (includes a bilingual session) and Hamilton

Consultations Seeking Input on the Development of Settlement and Language Training Strategies

Registration for Newcomer Focus Group

Please print your details clearly.

Name and Title ((Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss)
Daytime phone number
E-mail address
Mailing address
Age range: (Please check one box)
Age 12-18 
Age 19-49 
Age 50+ 
Country of Origin:
First Language:
Have you used any government-funded services? No  Yes 
If yes, please specify (i.e. ISAP, LINC, NSP or ESL)

Number of years in Canada:
Immigration status (i.e. landed immigrant and refugee)

You can register in one of the following ways:

Fax: Please complete this form and fax it to 613 761 7481
E-mail: Please send an e-mail with the above information to czhu@graybridgemalkam.com
Phone: Please call Catherine Zhu at 1 800 259 4882 ext. 208 or 613 761 7440 ext. 208 to provide the above information
