[请求] 宝宝晚上睡觉总醒,怎么办?


小孩小麻烦,大孩大麻烦。调整心态,面对挑战。勇敢完成宇宙最神圣的新陈代谢的任务~~~ 哈哈

最初由 Victoria 发布
我 女 儿 在 home care 那 里 玩 得 太 爽 , 一 回 家 就 比 较 闹 , 尤 其 睡 觉 , 大 哭 大 喊 , 眼 泪 稀 里 哗 啦 , 还 站 在 crib 里 眼 泪 汪 汪 地 一 直 看 着 门 。 。 。 不 时 我 们 都 会 去 看 看 她 , 现 在 还 在 训 练 中 。 。 。 本 来 以 前 可 以 自 己 睡 , 但 现 在 routine 变 了 , 家 里 比 sitter 那 里 静 , 所 以 反 而 打 乱 了 习 惯 。 希 望 再 过 几 天 我 们 的 BB 都 可 以 train 好 , 呵 呵 。 。 。


Re: 你要多抱抱她

最初由 521521 发布



我觉得吃奶没什么问题,就让他吃吧! 我儿子也是11个月,白天吃一次奶,晚上到天亮,吃3-4次,除非他没醒。
Re: 你要多抱抱她

最初由 521521 发布



I'm always so tired after work, and I have to cook dinner... :crying: by the time Dad + BB is home, I just want to sleep, not even eating...

no more energy to cuddle ah... :blowzy:

but now it's better, cause she goes to bed at 7:30 OR 8:00PM, muhahaha....much more relaxing for me!
Well, my girl is now 11 and half months old, she is always wake up for mom's milk during night, I let her cribs on my tommy and having milk, then she goes back to sleep, I think it is ok. When she get older, I can talk to her and she will understand.My opinions, to be a baby is not a easy thing-s/he can control nothing but depends on parents-what a life!-do you like to be like that? :), not just Moms having a hard time.
there is only one life change to be a baby, :), so, as long as the duty not kill myself, I try my best, give my baby as much s/he need as possible.of course, sometimes I got tired and frustrated, so I would go out let baby crawl on the grass, I just sit there and watch...hope to hear your new ideas to share...I think all ideas are great..
最初由 anyone8chatroom 发布
there is only one life change to be a baby, :), so, as long as the duty not kill myself, I try my best, give my baby as much s/he need as possible.of course, sometimes I got tired and frustrated, so I would go out let baby crawl on the grass, I just sit there and watch...hope to hear your new ideas to share...I think all ideas are great..

Mother is always the best for children, we do whatever for our children only. Enjoy motherhood.!!:D
I think you are right!

最初由 anyone8chatroom 发布
there is only one life change to be a baby, :), so, as long as the duty not kill myself, I try my best, give my baby as much s/he need as possible.of course, sometimes I got tired and frustrated, so I would go out let baby crawl on the grass, I just sit there and watch...hope to hear your new ideas to share...I think all ideas are great..

I was always afraid that I will spoil by baby, and kept training her and failed all the time. Now I know how to turn a happy girl into a miserable little being! I think I should relax and enjoy. Babies grow so fast. I don't want to regret for the rest of my life that I was too rude to them when they were little.

Another problem is that now she only wants me a lot of times, such as when she is sleepy or hungry. Nobody can help me since she does not want anybody else!
Re: I think you are right!

最初由 521521 发布

Another problem is that now she only wants me a lot of times, such as when she is sleepy or hungry. Nobody can help me since she does not want anybody else!

我儿子也是这样,只认准一个人,谁抱都不行.我父亲刚过来帮我,已经整整两个星期了,我儿子只是看着老爷不哭了.心情好的时候,自己玩,老爷在旁边没有问题. 但只要他哭了,能抱他,安抚他的,就只剩下我一个人了. 不过就这样我也已经觉得好多了!至少我父亲陪他的时候,我可以做饭,做家务了.要不然,只有等他睡了才能做事,感觉更累!
Re: Re: I think you are right!

最初由 游子28 发布

我儿子也是这样,只认准一个人,谁抱都不行.我父亲刚过来帮我,已经整整两个星期了,我儿子只是看着老爷不哭了.心情好的时候,自己玩,老爷在旁边没有问题. 但只要他哭了,能抱他,安抚他的,就只剩下我一个人了. 不过就这样我也已经觉得好多了!至少我父亲陪他的时候,我可以做饭,做家务了.要不然,只有等他睡了才能做事,感觉更累!


每个小孩都不一样,我们做母亲的都尽力了。一起努力吧!Qboy,Victoria 和 Sean mama 他们也是这样走过来的,要好好向他们看齐。:)