
有谁知道GRADATE STUDENT LOAN(OSAP)有多少可以减免?(GRANT?) 是在提款的时候就告诉你了, 还是以后还款的时候再告诉你具体还多少? 如果是全额还的话好像压力太大了. 毕业以后就开始计算利息, 每月大盖该还多少?
另外请教, 除了OSAP, SCHOLOSHIP 和 打工, 读研究生时还有什么方法能得到钱?
读研究生一直是我的心愿, 但没想到学费这么贵, 而且没有BURSARY. 哎!
很久很久以前, 好像是联邦部分免, 省部分不免, 大约一半的样子. 还款计划根据你的收入定.
谢谢开喜. 什么时候知道哪部分可以免呢? 需要申请吗?
好像是毕业的时候, 有关部门来的通知, 要不要申请我可真忘了. 不是我自己的事所以记不太清楚了. 当时让报收入情况和去年的税单的.
你轻松了, 我可紧张了... ... 你再查查啊, 别就听我一面之词, 万一我记错了呢... 我汗...!
最初由 开喜 发布
很久很久以前, 好像是联邦部分免, 省部分不免, 大约一半的样子. 还款计划根据你的收入定.
不知道到哪里可以查这样的信息? 反正已经贷了, 努力学习吧.
If the rules have remained the same for the last 3 years, then it's about this,

1. Based on your total household income, your expenses, your assets (car, deposit in the bank), etc, you will be allowed to borrow up to this amount for the duration of your study of that academic year, 2 terms or 3 terms. Then any amount above $7000 for 2 terms, or above $10500 for 3 terms are waived, which means you are not required to pay back those amount beyond $7000 or $10500. Also you will get some student grant if you have child/ren.

2. When you finish your study or change status from full-time to part-time, you are required to pay back the loan. You will be given 6 month grace period, during which no repayment is required, however, don't forget, however you are charged the hefty interest on it. You will be mailed a consolidation notice before the end of grace period, and your first repayment will begin at the end of the 7th month. You have the choice to pay off the total interest accumulated for the 6 month grace period, or have it added to the principal and pay back later. If you choose later, you will lose the tax credit for that interest amount for that tax year.

Basically that's it. Good luck. Student loan is a very complicated issue, and you will find difficult to get a consistant response for the national loan centre.
3. Even you have started the repayment process, you can apply for interest relief, one application will get you 6 month long period of no interest, based on your income compared with their income threshold on a weekly basis. It depends on how much you make, how much you are asked to pay back, how many persons in the household. You can reapply at the end of the 6 month if your income hasn't improved a lot.

4. Other than the interest relief, you can also apply for the waiver of some of the principal. That is not as easy as No.3

Check all the details at www.osap.org
最初由 SpongeBoob 发布
3. Even you have started the repayment process, you can apply for interest relief, one application will get you 6 month long period of no interest, based on your income compared with their income threshold on a weekly basis. It depends on how much you make, how much you are asked to pay back, how many persons in the household. You can reapply at the end of the 6 month if your income hasn't improved a lot.

4. Other than the interest relief, you can also apply for the waiver of some of the principal. That is not as easy as No.3

Check all the details at www.osap.org

根据这个答复, 我明白了... ...





Spongeboob 是谁 :D
Spongeboob 是谁 :D [/B][/QUOTE]

It's me!

The one with sponge boobs.....