[问题] About divorce

最初由 freebird 发布



至于你觉得要"天天换老婆 夜夜做新郎", 才 HAVE FUN & ENJOY, 只能说你现在和过去受的苦都他妈的活该!!!!

:flaming: :flaming: :flaming:

Don't try to be the enemy of women!!! To be a wiser, OK????
谁受上海女人奴役了 你笨 看不到我引用别人的文章 我正要好好找一个呢 吃你老老母的苦 当然不会看上你的 找女孩当然找中国的 只不过对某些人敬而远之吧拉

最初由 如来 发布

最初由 freebird 发布

这位兄台明知最毒妇人心,还敢与妇人作对, 一定比我们妇人厉害了.

了不起, 了不起!!!!

小女子大大的怕! 怕! 怕!

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
老白菜装嫩 伪装小葱 你他妈的明明是老破鞋 还冒充鸡巴的小女子 回家照照你的猪脸 拔干净你的白毛 你最怕的是骗不到

最初由 游侠 发布

老白菜装嫩 伪装小葱 你他妈的明明是老破鞋 还冒充鸡巴的小女子 回家照照你的猪脸 拔干净你的白毛 你最怕的是骗不到
Maybe I should tell some truth , actually, in my case, I applied the immigration and came to Canada first as my husband's wish, after I set up everything lonely (Certainly, I got some friends's kind help) , then he came, I mean I did everything myself, I am not the person who always wants something, just do as much as I can, but you know, I still can't satisfied him, and I am not happy as well, to think of my son, I compromised again and again until I couldn't do it any more....

I appreciate all the helps and kindly encourage from you guys, I may leave our discuss for a while, see you guys later!

By the way, Please don't say the dirty words , if something you don't agree, just talk and discuss, even argue, I have been suffered on those dirty words and been cut deep by that....

Thanks again for all the information and help from you guys, I really like that: to be strong, to be nice, this will benifit me all the life.
最初由 茶余饭后 发布
Maybe I should tell some truth , actually, in my case, I applied the immigration and came to Canada first as my husband's wish, after I set up everything lonely (Certainly, I got some friends's kind help) , then he came, I mean I did everything myself, I am not the person who always wants something, just do as much as I can, but you know, I still can't satisfied him, and I am not happy as well, to think of my son, I compromised again and again until I couldn't do it any more....

I appreciate all the helps and kindly encourage from you guys, I may leave our discuss for a while, see you guys later!

By the way, Please don't say the dirty words , if something you don't agree, just talk and discuss, even argue, I have been suffered on those dirty words and been cut deep by that....

Thanks again for all the information and help from you guys, I really like that: to be strong, to be nice, this will benifit me all the life.

Take care!!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool:

:bye: :bye: :bye:
最初由 游侠 发布

老白菜装嫩 伪装小葱 你他妈的明明是老破鞋 还冒充鸡巴的小女子 回家照照你的猪脸 拔干净你的白毛 你最怕的是骗不到

最初由 游侠 发布
老白菜装嫩 伪装小葱 你他妈的明明是老破鞋 还冒充鸡巴的小女子 回家照照你的猪脸 拔干净你的白毛 你最怕的是骗不到

What a shame of you speaking those dirty words !

I never met an uncultivated people like you among chinese immigrants in Canada.
Maybe you are not an chinese immigrant, just an ABC or young inter student , etc. with less education.

Why didn't the monitor kick out this shameless guy ?
最初由 panzer 发布

:cool: ::cool:已经心理变态,不用理他。
最初由 cobra 发布

:thanks: :thanks: :thanks:

:drink: :drink: :drink:
最初由 游侠 发布

天天换老公 夜夜做新娘 肯定很FUN and ENJOY
