精华 [请求] 想问一问这里35高龄的妈妈都作了羊膜腔穿刺检查?

The first part of the IPS test includes the Ultra-sound ya. :)
最初由 Anaconda 发布
The first part of the IPS test includes the Ultra-sound ya. :)
what is the English for 羊膜腔穿刺检查? And the Chinese for IPS?

1. Amniocentesis.
This test is usually carried out in weeks 14-18.
2. IPS (integrated prenatal screen)
I think it might be 产前综合筛选或检查。
I was 36 when I gave birth to my 2nd son.
I only did IPS. My understranding is that
you need to do IPS first around 16 weeks.
Then, based on the result, I think there
are two ratios: Down-syndrome, and something else??. If your ratio (probability of having down-syndome) is far less than the threshold, then, you
are on the safer side. but not garanteed.

羊膜腔穿刺 is more accurate. You have to talk to your family doctor or OB, and your husband about the IPS result, the final decision is yours.

Happy pregancy and relax!
The generic consultor suggests us to do 羊膜腔穿刺检查 in just after 15 weeks. Is this too early? What is the difference between 15 weeks and 18 weeks.
