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最初由 ry_xu 发布
I am sure why it would happen to you. I had been to Midas at Bells Corner and never had any bad experience. They are courteous and very reasonable at the labor and parts. Since it is a franchise, you should be able to report it to the head office and get it resolved in a reasonable manner very quickly.

It is always a good idea to have a written estimate. I know that Midas given written estimate without charge, I like their free break inspections and the guy will always give me an honest opinions which most of the time confirm with my own suspicions.

The cost of auto repairs is never cheat and it is a price you will have to pay for owning a car. I am just curious about your accusation that he is double charging, can you show us the bill?
我对Bells Corner的Midas的印象也很好。他们总是先告诉我哪些地方建议换,大概需要多少钱(配件和劳务都列出来)。如果我同意他们就继续干,如果我说不修他们就作罢。再比如他们会说电池不足了,但是入冬前都没有问题;散热器不好了,不过可以等到明年夏天再修,因为冬天不需要。等等。
