[交流] 玩儿车的请进。。。关于改装的问题(附图)

I would go, but not before I get my suspension all done, and full exhaust, I don't want to go in full stock either, lol
So, whats going on? lol, been really quite lately, whats everyone up to?
no money to race on track man, haha
rather play GT on ps3
let's get some street racing then, lol!!!
yeah, $80 which none of us can afford to spend. Don't forget fuel, tires, brake pads, lol
I say some runs on the freeway is good enough, lol
yup, Kevio is right, I can afford 80$ but not another sets of tires, brakes or rotors. Lets just have some fun on the street.
在街上阿?我是没问题,就怕条子们有意见啊!自己跑跑充其量就给个超速罚单,但是几辆车一起跑性质可就不一样了,好像就是传说中的STREET RACE吧!那就不只是罚单了,据说警察有权利直接逮捕 ?
then i guess we just have to becareful, lol, we can always control the speed, do 20km/h roll up to 150km/h ish. Lots of ways, and we can always find a place without any cops to do it. Drag strips shouldn't be that expensive, but don't know if you guys are into that. Circuit we need time to save up money and mod our cars, its not we don't think our cars can handle the abuse, its that "if" something happened we don't have any back up.
u race on street, u againt the law

u may run away from cops, u may not

u may gain some respect

u may pay a lot of fine that u cant ever think!!

respect your own life, n others 2!!!!!

作为过来人, 我觉得有必要说一下, 你们有人有过230+km/h 被警察追的经历么??

都说street race, 要我看都是fast n furious看多了

你们有几个敢当着警察面开快车? 更不要提警察抓你,你敢跑的事??

没有这个还什么street race

跑track确实费胎, pads, disks, 我承认

但是street race就不费了? 不费race什么?
最初由 饺子皮 发布
u race on street, u againt the law

u may run away from cops, u may not

u may gain some respect

u may pay a lot of fine that u cant ever think!!

respect your own life, n others 2!!!!!

作为过来人, 我觉得有必要说一下, 你们有人有过230+km/h 被警察追的经历么??

都说street race, 要我看都是fast n furious看多了

你们有几个敢当着警察面开快车? 更不要提警察抓你,你敢跑的事??

没有这个还什么street race

跑track确实费胎, pads, disks, 我承认

但是street race就不费了? 不费race什么?

同意饺子皮的说法,不支持STREET RACE,风险太大了,还是TRACK好多了。胎,刹车的价钱远远小于STREET RACE被条子抓的罚单!
wow, relax would u? lol, please relax, this isn't some homosexual fast and the whatever thing going on, thats just gay.
What I'm talking about is what almost everyone does who mod their cars, a quick pull see who's faster while driving on the freeway. I'm not talking about 0-230km/h here, I'm talking about just driving within limits, most the time its just to see who has the better acceleration, not who has the better top speed.
Please don't get worked up about something simple as this, I'm not telling you to drive over 200km/h on the street, I'm telling you to get to the point that you think its too fast for the speed limit on the highway and slow down. And really, most the time on the 417 is around 150km/h in the fast lane so no one is breaking the law here, its more of a fun factor. I agree with you if you want to race, do it at the track, if you just want a little fun and its going at regular speeds, do it, because everyone else is and you are just following traffic, not trying to break a law here.
u buy a stock c06

u the king of ottawa, no need 2 spent dat much cash on an I4

then Y not?

Y u wast ur $ n time on spring n shock stuff?