[交流] 玩儿车的请进。。。关于改装的问题(附图)

Man ECS, they use UPS and is charing me $41.85 on tax/duty, and my thing was only $58, them, never ordering from them again.
哈哈 我上次200的东西收了我90的税. 下次试试apr tuning 或者awe吧
Like ECS and performance Cafe have some cheap things, but they all uses UPS, hate them. Next time I will call and see if they can ship by USPS, if not then I will never order from them, lol
今天谁去小意大利了? 不少法拉利 但是没什么特别的 最好的就是几辆f430.
The food wasn't bad, the cars are kinda all the same I find it. Well I drive pass there everyday so yeah, I already seem them for a week, lol, but they are nice, would love to beat one, lol.

Anyways, are we having another meet soon? Haven't come out for a while.
昨天凌晨1店多我从greenbank往高速上走,有一辆05款tiburon很嚣张的挑衅了我 3次 !每次超我都冲我蔑视的乐。既然都逼到这份儿上了,得让他知道自己的车有多垃圾。直接降到3档加速,他也开始加,但是很慢。还没上4档就把它过了,4档之后就有大概2个车位的距离,5档后速度就上了200,他还在跟只不过距离越来越大,一直加速到225,持续跑了大约半分钟,再看镜子,已经超他50米已上了。
哈哈 那个破车我也见过.当时我还开a4 2.8的,那时候在等红灯,第一个红灯他轰油门挑衅我没理他, 等第二个红灯他还这样,我就和他跑了,他前轮打滑的很厉害我刚上2档就拉他2个车位了, 记得很清楚的就是他那些贴纸.
hey XinFeng, I got some screws for ur bumper, not the same one but they told me it should be better, so whatever. And could you ask that Arab tire guy if he can get me 17inch winters? lol, I know its weird, but I saw a couple of sets at work today and want to know if he can get them, thanks

I got my GLI lip today, and my god its ghetto, so I might have to re-prime it and maybe fix it up a little before installing it, anyone wanna help? lol Still haven't decided on colour, I'm thinking of either get the same colour as my car but I haven't found a dealer that sells the spray cans, I was also thinking of buying the vinyl and doing it that way, but then I have to wait a long long time for shipping. I also like the idea of a full gloss black skirt package, so all gloss black, looks good on picture, and I will paint my stock rims black too, well, later on anyways.

And we should go to Timmy's on friday night, I been there twice now, lots of car to look at.
kevio 我这里有primer 和 clearcoat你要的话明天给你带去. 明天都有谁过来啊?
oh nice, thanks man, then I just need to buy paint, lol, since I'm stealing the rest of it from work, lol.

I don't know who's going, come on guys, do something.