加拿大“抵制奥运支持藏独”的抗议者被北京驱逐今日回到温哥华(组图) "附送"新唐人来自巴黎最新


Canadian deported from China arrives in B.C.

Updated Thu. Aug. 9 2007 4:09 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff


A Canadian who was detained by Chinese authorities for protesting China's occupation of Tibet arrived home Thursday, and said she would do something similar again.

At Vancouver's airport this morning, Melanie Raoul said she and her fellow protesters were split up for 36 hours while they were interrogated by Chinese authorities.

She said she slept for only 15 minutes at a time and was worried about what would happen, but that her non-violent action has resulted in changes all over the world, including India and the United States.

Raoul was among three Canadian protesters detained after an international group unfurled a huge banner on the Great Wall calling for China to get out of Tibet.

The other Canadian protesters, Lhadon Tethong and Sam Price, are due back later today. All three are from British Columbia and members of Students for a Free Tibet.

T.C. Tethong, Lhadon's father, said earlier today that he's relieved his daughter will arrive home safely. He said he spoke to his daughter Wednesday night and that she will be on a flight from Hong Kong to Toronto on Thursday.

"They took her for questioning, and she said she wasn't mistreated in terms of physical abuse or anything, but the questioning was a little bit intimidating at times," Tethong said of his daughter's 36-hour detention.

Lhadon, Price, Raoul and a number of other activists, were released Wednesday. In addition to the three Canadians, the detainees included protesters from the United States and the United Kingdom.

Price and Raoul, 25, both of Vancouver, were detained Tuesday after they unfurled a 42-square-metre banner on the Great Wall that read "One World, One Dream, Free Tibet 2008."

The official slogan for the games is "One World, One Dream."

Lhadon, a Victoria, B.C. resident and the executive director of the group, was taken into custody on Wednesday. She had been blogging and posting videos of their demonstration.

Lhadon had been in Beijing for the past week, attempting to bring attention to what the group says are China's broken promises to improve human rights leading up to the Games.

Tethong said he was concerned for the safety of his daughter because of their family's Tibetan name.

"A Tibetan name really triggers a lot of difficulties for Chinese authorities, and she did mention that they did allude to that when they were questioning her," he said.

Being a Canadian citizen helped Lhadon's cause, her father said.

Tethong worked with the Dalai Lama for 15 years and has been active in the Free Tibet movement.

When asked if Canada should boycott the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, he said a part of him would like to see that.

"But then on the other hand ... the Chinese people I think really are not the real cause of this problem -- it's the government, it's the system."

Tethong said the International Olympic Committee awarded the games to China thinking it would improve the human rights conditions, but he says the situation has worsened.

"There are more violations of the rights of the Chinese right in Beijing -- their houses being demolished and journalists being barred from reporting all this," he said.

"In Tibet it's far worse because Tibet, being under China, especially the minority group, there are special restrictions which many journalists and reporters don't see."

T.C. Tethong, father of Canadian protester Lhadon Tethong, speaks with Canada AM on Thursday, Aug. 9, 2007.

From left to right: Lhadon Tethong, Sam Price, Melanie Raoul from Canada and Paul Golding from Britain leave a hotel to airport in Hong Kong on Thursday, Aug. 9, 2007. (AP / Vincent Yu)






1. 立即停止强制堕胎和绝育。
2. 停止肆意抓捕,要求司法公正。
3. 立即停止贩卖在荒唐的所谓审判之后被判死刑的犯人的器官。
4. 关闭所有的劳教所,释放所有的政治犯。
5. 停止向西藏移民汉人对西藏的资源进行掠夺性的开发。
6. 尊重言论自由,语言使用的自由,尊重文化和宗教自由。
7. 受教育、就业、健康医疗的机会均等,流亡人士可以回到西藏,在2008年夏天之前为了能够达到西藏的真正自治进行谈判。



流亡法国的藏人邹巴 (Zopa)。(张子纯摄影)

流亡法国的藏人邹巴 (Zopa) 说中共不尊重别人的宗教信仰,用各种暴力手段想把藏人同化,这是他们不能容许的。他表示会一直为了西藏的独立和自由呼吁下去 。他说:“只为争取自己的利益得到的不是完整的幸福,是有限的,真正的幸福来自于为他的行动。”

8/10/2007 4:16:09 AM

本文网址: http://www.epochtimes.com/gb/7/8/10/n1797316.htm
对于CTV.CA的新闻,发现以下三个评论(UNTIL August 09, 2007 at 10:55:35 AM):

Charlie wrote on August 09, 2007 at 10:10:31 AM
"Protest. The Movie" coming to theatres near you. Order of Canada for all involved can be expected as our media turns these professional protesters into our newest heroes.

Kathleen wrote on August 09, 2007 at 10:49:02 AM
I must say that I am very curious about how foreigners look at China cause I am a Chinese. Having no intention to offend you, I just want to let you know that it really takes time to know about China of today and of the past. You might change your mind, have a better understanding of the situation there and will probably love it then.

Phil wrote on August 09, 2007 at 10:55:35 AM
According to this story, Beijing citizens' houses are being demolished to make room for the 2008 Olympics. However, the fact is, citizens are being asked by the government to relocate and in return, are given compensations. As a Canadian, I expect CTV news to report the full story and not have any biases.
oooo~ then we do support the independence of Quebec!!! Quebec! it is an independent country!!! WARRRRR

Canadian Tibet protester Melanie Raoul greets fellow protester Sam Price upon his arrival at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, B.C., August 9, 2007. (CP / Richard Lam)
Canadian Tibet protester Sam Price is presented with traditional Tibetan kata upon arriving at Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, B.C., August 9, 2007. (CP / Richard Lam)

Canadian Lhadon Tethong stands in front of a shop at the National Stadium in Beijing, China in this undated handout photo. (Beijing Wide Open)

抵制北京奥运会 怎么手里捧着北京奥运会吉祥物福娃呢?

莫非是明修栈道 暗度陈仓?
One World, One Dream, Free Quebec 2010!!!
最初由 USD 发布
抵制北京奥运会 怎么手里捧着北京奥运会吉祥物福娃呢?

莫非是明修栈道 暗度陈仓?