[请求] 请大家帮我出出注意,我该怎么办?

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1. 照相
2. 证人
3. 记录所有的谈话内容,时间,地点,对象
4. 找BBB(Best Business Beaurue)
5. 准备打官司(实际并不麻烦,要求对方赔偿诉讼费和律师费)
今天office里的人把一部分东西还给我们了,不过我觉得他们之前一定是想把我们的东西占为己有。(因为很多东西的包装都已打开,里面的说明书和发票没有了)现在还有一些东西他们说找不到了。我跟他们说你们这样是违法的,我要打电话找警察,但是那个super说,你找好了,我们大公司,有很多co-op律师的。我想如果报警找律师一定会很麻烦吧,我们现在都是学生哪有这么多时间和金钱陪他们啊? 我想可能我们要吃很大的亏了。而且我们房间有一块地板坏了,那个人竟开口说这样修理一下要1千,我想整个房间装修一下也不过如此吧。 这回算我们倒酶以后大家要提防一下这样的人。
这个大楼是OSGOODE公司的,在Albion Rd上,位于Walkey/Bank。
Hi there,

I have the same experience with CLV( commvesco Levinson-Viner Croup). They took all my stuffs in my old apartment and did the renovation without any notice.

What I did is first call the police, because they can write a report to verify that the stuffs were gone without broken the keys, second sue them on the housing tribunal. Since you are a student, you may find a free lawyer to help you there and at least you can inquire the office there to find out some suggestion. They will tell you what you should do step by step.

If your landlord told you that you damaged the apartment, don't worry, just wait. They will fix all the damages if the damages are not big problem because they want to do the renovation job soon and find new tanent as soon as possible. So if they can not support the damage on the hearing, they will not sue you for it , they just 威胁. CLV group did the same things to me. Even they can show the damage, they should prove the damage worth $1,000.

But I didn't totally win finally, because the judger said, both of us had the keys so ... ( I believe the judger had big problem in discrimination) But since I didn't hire a lawyer, so I didn't lost any thing, and got back some money :). If you are not very busy you can try.

If you go there, you may find some chance in negiociation before the hearing. They would say lots bad words, they would lie... They would play like bitch or the son of bitch. But don't be angry as me, thought about the suggestion they made. They might pay you money not as many as you ask, but you may take it and avoid going to the hearing.


马上报警 说你们丢失啦东西 这个跟打官司是两回事情的 最后打不打官司决定于自己
hhplay, 我给你留了悄悄话,你能不能看一下。谢谢
Re: Re: [请求] 请大家帮我出出注意,我该怎么办?

最初由 hhplay 发布
Hi there,

I have the same experience with CLV( commvesco Levinson-Viner Croup). They took all my stuffs in my old apartment and did the renovation without any notice.

What I did is first call the police, because they can write a report to verify that the stuffs were gone without broken the keys, second sue them on the housing tribunal. Since you are a student, you may find a free lawyer to help you there and at least you can inquire the office there to find out some suggestion. They will tell you what you should do step by step.

If your landlord told you that you damaged the apartment, don't worry, just wait. They will fix all the damages if the damages are not big problem because they want to do the renovation job soon and find new tanent as soon as possible. So if they can not support the damage on the hearing, they will not sue you for it , they just 威胁. CLV group did the same things to me. Even they can show the damage, they should prove the damage worth $1,000.

But I didn't totally win finally, because the judger said, both of us had the keys so ... ( I believe the judger had big problem in discrimination) But since I didn't hire a lawyer, so I didn't lost any thing, and got back some money :). If you are not very busy you can try.

If you go there, you may find some chance in negiociation before the hearing. They would say lots bad words, they would lie... They would play like bitch or the son of bitch. But don't be angry as me, thought about the suggestion they made. They might pay you money not as many as you ask, but you may take it and avoid going to the hearing.

Good show!!!:cool: :cool: :cool:


You have to realize that they are completely wrong and you have all the reasons to sue them. Even if you don't want to go down to that route, which is fine, but you still have to make them shaking.

To obtain a police report is not going to cost you anything, in fact you can also mention to the police that the Super tries to threaten you. Many native Canadian likes to take advantage on Chinese people, is because they know we are easy going, and we don't exercise our rights as much as they do.

I know you don't want to go through the hassles, which is understandable. However, you have let them know that you know your rights as well, and you are prepared to use the Canadian system to against those stupid Canadian (only the stupid ones :) )

Good luck.
1。这一步最重要。当天就应该CALL警察,现在也应该报警。要快点有个POLICE REPORT,注明上诉两个根本事实,防止他们以后赖皮(现在可能还不会)。跟警察说,有人break in,your life and property are in danger, because some days you will still live in the apartment and they are possible to break in again and hurt you.
3。政府有个租客保护机构,上网应该容易搜索。(tenant protection ottawa?) 试试。我以前去过,里面有所有的租客索赔和房东索赔的程序和表格。
4。找免费律师咨询(legal clinic)。上回枫页卡公证那一贴就贴了很多这样的机构。
7。OTTAWA CITIZEN报纸专门有一专栏是协助读者各类投诉的,可以写信给他们。