精华 ottawa 有没有好的私立小学?

也不是所有的私校都这么贵。Ashbury和Elmwood几乎是最贵的了。比如说Lycee Claudel就只有6-7千块钱一年。
“想想每年都交了很多的税,到头来还是把孩子送进私校,每年还付不便宜的学费,很不甘心。” 我想很多送孩子进私校的父母都这这么想。但很多私立学校的教育的方法确实比公立的好,要不然它们也就不能存在了。公立学校的老师不比私立学校的差,问题是公立学校不能拒收学生,而私立学校就可以,这样就可以保持学生的质量。






有差的私校,有好的私校,看的公校多是排名最好的,就好的私校 和公校而言,


Private schools in Kanata

I am looking for JK for my daughter next year in Kanata. I see there are mainly three choices: Counterpoint Academy West, Kanata Academy, Kanata montessori, Does anyone have experience with any of them?
thanks for sharing.
to NangFang

my 2 cents, go to visit each school on your list, you will find answer yourself. most important you feel comfortable to put your kid there.
Thanks for your reply.

When I went there, they all look pretty nice. That is why it is hard to make decision. If anyone has good/bad experience to share, it would be highly appreciated.

:cool: 我很同意这个看法.
my 2 cents, go to visit each school on your list, you will find answer yourself. most important you feel comfortable to put your kid there.

嗯. 赞同. 最好是事先心里装着问题去, 通过自己的观察和与老师的交流去解答自己心里实现列好的问题. 比如教师和学生比例是多少, 有了意外情况一般处理程序是什么, 学习跟不上的话, 老师怎么能够发现问题并帮助学生解决问题, 数学占多少比例, 语文占多少比例, 体育占多少比例... ...
I am looking for JK for my daughter next year in Kanata. I see there are mainly three choices: Counterpoint Academy West, Kanata Academy, Kanata montessori, Does anyone have experience with any of them?
thanks for sharing.

I'm planning to send my child to a different one, but I have coworkers having their kids in all of the 3 schools above. I think those who are attending Kanata montessori sound like they are most happy with the school. I only know one family in Counterpoint Academy West, and they are happy about it. I know one family in Kanata Academy and I think they send the kid to another school now.

But, I believe the main differences between the private school and the public school are:

1) class size
2) extra curriculum
3) religion (if you care)

I know for public schools in Kanata, the class sizes are likely over the provincial maximum. The public school we asked is having a class size of 26 kids in JK.

My child kinda needs special attention because he's more shy than normal, and I can feel that he has been totally invisible in the Chinese language school where there are about 20 kids.

Thus, I'm looking into private school, and the one I'm interested has a class size of less than 10.

我认识的几个朋友的家人在私校教书的,是因为religion的理由的,她们很热爱她们的工作的,因为religion related的私校多是非牟利的,她们的工支和福利比公校可能还少。
