
桃木色木餐桌, 122cmx76cm (4’x2’6”), Standard High, 原价$99+tax, --- You can see the original price label still there!!! , $30
桃木色(大)木餐桌, 153cmx91cm (5’x3’), Standard High, $75
宠物笼 --- 肥老鼠, , , 鸟, 兔子均可,Side door, size 61x45x26cm, $15
小型狗猫宠物笼,可以提着外出的那种, Side door, Size 37x40x47cm, $10
鱼缸 () 50x27x31cm (11 Gallon), with one water filter, plus cover and light, $46
桃木色木餐桌, 122cmx76cm (4’x2’6”), Standard High, 原价$99+tax, --- You can see the original price label still there!!! , $30