精华 十字路口,绿灯情况下左拐时被撞,警察一般会判谁的错?

Take it as a lesson

I think you should feel lucky that you did not get hurt. Having not being hurt is more important than anything else.

After an accident in which you happen to survive, it is more important to reflect carefully what could be the cause of the accident that you may be responsible.

There is a golden saying for drivers: "you must allow other drivers to make mistakes on road, but you should never make any mistake yourself." What it means is that you should drive defensively to anticipate possible mistake from the other drivers and take precaution beforehand. To achieve that, you must be a good observer on road.

I read through all your account of what had happened. And I tried to replay what occured on that intersection.

(1) when you approached to the intersection, you saw that the left turn light was still green, so you made decision to turn left without stopping.

(2) when your car got to 1/3 position before you started to turn, you saw the left turn green light became yellow, then dispeared, so you stopped.

(3) You waited in the middle of the road for a few other cars from the opposite to pass the intersection. Once you saw there was no more cars coming from the opposite direction, you resumed your left turn.

(4) when you almost completed your left turn, a very cheap and fast car raced through the intersection from the opposite direction and it hit the rear part of your car.

From this sequence of scenes, can you tell where thing went wrong?

There seems to be two suspicios points that can cause this accident, if your description was accurate.

First of all, at (2), you should not have stopped the left turn. Instead you should have continued. This is because there is about 2 seconds delay from the moment you see the left turn green signal dispears to the moment that the drivers in the opposite direction see a green light. And there is another second for these drivers to accelerate to reach the middle of the intersection. If you did not stop, you should have enough time to complete your left turn without being hit.

Secondly, at (3), you might have not looked far enough to check the distance and speed of the traffic from the opposite direction. It is a typical/common for a new/unexperienced driver to not being able to see far enough around in road/intersection that has traffic.

Typically at an intersection where you want to trun left, you need to have a safe buffer zone in the opposite direction for about >100 meters in which you can make a safe left turn. If you can not see that far because some vehicle blocks your view, you have to wait until your view is clear. In case of left turn at a light controled intersection, you can at least wait until the light for straight going becomes red. Since you are in the middle of the intersection, you MUST start and complete the left turn. The time window from the moment you see the light becomes red to the moment the drivers on your left and right sides see the green light should long enough for you to complete the left turn.