

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=518XP8prwZo&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]
(Sorry I don't have Chinese typing in my computer right now)

I enjoy reading your posts and admire your personality. I am a woman in a similar situation (single mom with a teenage daughter) and about the same age range (42) with you. I am wondering if we can form a small community with other like-minded woman to support each other (at good times and bad) and enjoy life together (movies, shopping, traveling, badminton, cooking, restaurant, etc). Afterall, friendships between women could be more satisfying and maybe last a lifetime :). If such group already exists, do you mind I join you girls?:)
很好啊,现在还没有这样的group,以后多联系吧。在这异国他乡,多一个朋友,就多一份温暖。不过更重要的还是要找到自己的Mr. Right,我还是愿意相信那一份美好的情感还是存在的。

(Sorry I don't have Chinese typing in my computer right now)

I enjoy reading your posts and admire your personality. I am a woman in a similar situation (single mom with a teenage daughter) and about the same age range (42) with you. I am wondering if we can form a small community with other like-minded woman to support each other (at good times and bad) and enjoy life together (movies, shopping, traveling, badminton, cooking, restaurant, etc). Afterall, friendships between women could be more satisfying and maybe last a lifetime :). If such group already exists, do you mind I join you girls?:)

喜欢楼上的楼上的想法,楼上说的也很对,不过,MR RIGHT的真情感靠运气,姐妹才是硬道理。可惜小村连姐们也难得。