I don't understand your concern. It is Januray (the first month of 2008) only.
1. If you still have some contribution room for 2007 tax year, you can use this RRSP contribution (Jan 2008) for 2007 tax return when you file the income tax return this Feb/March.
i.e. The RRSP contribution in Jan or Feb current year can also be used for income tax RRSP deduction of last year.
2. If you find another job in the remaining of 2008, you will have income and more RRSP contribution room for 2008. Then, need not to worry.
3. If you haven't over-purchased more than $2000, you are fine and there is no penalty from CRA. Just mention this contribution in your '2008' tax return next year. Then, you can use this $2000 for the future RRSP deduction.
- 1. don't worry
- 2. find a new job